Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Ad Deum Qui Laetificat Juventutem Meam

At the age of 33, I still manage to scrape by as a juventutem, as the age range for participation in Juventutem London activities is 18-35 years.

The international movement is composed of a host of young people enthusiastic about the Traditional Latin Mass, devoted Catholics that network through social events and, more importantly, through the liturgical life of the Church. These are chaps and chapesses who do not treat the Mass as if it were simply a 'meal' but are happy to go for one afterwards.

If you are a juventutem you can join the Facebook group to learn of upcoming events. Their latest gathering will be in order to worship God in the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass, in honour of the Feast of the Apparition of Our Lady at Lourdes, on Friday 11th February at Corpus Christi Church, Maiden Lane, Covent Garden, London. Click here for a map. While Juventutum London do not have a formal website that I can find, they do have a blog, which you can visit here, which updates the juventutems of upcoming events, Masses, articles, news and things that interest juventutems. The more general Foederatio Internationalis Juventutem website is here, in English.

I notice that Paul Smeaton, who has a blog you can visit here, is very involved in this youthful and exciting network of young Catholics who are attracted by the Traditional liturgy. Paul is the son of John Smeaton, Director of the Society for the Protection of Unborn Children, who today encourages us to write to our MP to try and stop in its tracks yet another attempt to sexualise children, in order to prepare them for a life of sexual promiscuity, contraception, homosexual encounters and abortion. Anyway, if you are interested, see below for details or follow the links above...

Juventutem will be meetin again on February 11 for Solemn High Mass (under the Traditional form) for the Feast of the Apparition of Our Lady of Lourdes (thanks to the Good Counsel Network). After Mass we'll be going to an affordable restaurant nearby the Church. The meal is for members those aged 18-35, but Mass is open to everyone and anyone (though to receive Holy Communion you must be a practising Catholic in a state of grace).

Mass starts at 6.30pm (with Confession available before). We will then go for dinner somewhere nearby (tba).
Priest: Fr de Malleray, FSSP

Deacon: Fr Bede Rowe

Subdeacon: Fr Alexander Redman
For those travelling from Oxford, we will try travelling as a group in order to get cheaper fares.

It is all enough to cause 143 contemporary theologians some serious consternation...Don't worry, Tina, I'm sure it's just a phase. They'll grow out of it and see the light eventually, discarding their traditional devotions, Missals, Rosaries, and love of the Sacred Liturgy in time, instead adopting a more dissenting, rebellious streak towards the Magisterium and the Successor of St Peter, when they're older. Channel 4 could do a series on Juventutem London. Why not call it, 'Vocation, Vocation, Vocation'? But the holy joy doesn't stop there...

Chartres: "The largest organised pilgrimage in Christendom"
Pilgrimage to Chartres and World Youth Day Madrid 2011

It is not too late to book yourselves onto the29th Paris-Chartres Pilgrimage with juventutem, said to be the "largest organised pilgrimage in Christendom", taking place this year on June 11th, 12th and 13th. For booking information contact

Young and too skint to spend loads on attending World Youth Day in Madrid? If you go with Juventutem it will cost you about £130-170. To see the Holy Father again, only in a hot country instead of this bleak island, I'd say that is a bargain. This will be either one or two weeks, depending on what you fancy. If you interested, contact

Walsingham Pilgrimage and Douai Retreat

This year's Walsingham Walking Pilgrimage will take place 26-28th August.  The Latin Mass Society are walking from Ely to Walsingham for the conversion of England. There will be a sung Mass every day, with Confessions available throughout. This event is open to all ages and to families. Camping compulsory for men, optional for women. For more details, click here.

Juventutem are also organising a Douai Retreat taking place on 9-11th September (tbc). It is a retreat for folk 18-35 including confessions, talks, beautiful liturgies and some great social time. Full board, was great last year and would be fab to get as many people there as possible, as it’s one of the best events in Britain. Contact: Damian Barker at

For those above 35 years of age, remember that just because you are over 35 it does not mean that God stops 'giving joy to your youth' when you go to His Altar at the age of 36. It just means you can't do juventutem stuff anymore or in any way be considered a 'young adult'.

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