Saturday, June 22, 2013

Pray for the Pope

I can't quite express how I feel about this Sanctuary, but I think the above could be described as a post-Renaissance masterpiece.

His Holiness is reported to have said of a concert at which his attendance was expected, "I am not a Renaissance Prince who listens to music instead of working."

This could be received as a sideswipe at His Holiness's predecessor, who loved music and concerts. The Pope is now and always will be Successor of St Peter, the Prince of the Apostles and has various titles that connote a Sovereign or Monarch. If we did not believe this we should have to believe that the Chair of St Peter was empty, which makes the image above doubly freaky.

If His Holiness does not want to fulfill the duties placed upon him as Pope, why did then Cardinal Jorge Bergoglio accept the Office of the Papacy? Every Bishop in the World has things to which he will be expected to attend. Not every Bishop actually enjoys Fairtrade craftsales or the Nativity at a local school.

For some reason, when I think of this Pontificate, I keep thinking of this great film entitled 'The Madness of King George', which is ironic really, because the Pope is called Jorge. Pray for His Holiness. I'd be right gutted if asked to play guitar for the Pope and His Holiness didn't show because he thought he was above such nonsense, which naturally, he would be. It's a bad analogy, but hey ho...Pray.

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