Saturday, December 19, 2009

Science Corner: Whats missing from this picture?

Apparently its sun spots. We're not getting any. I don't like science much. Its a bit dull and it makes me fall asleep.

An international panel of solar scientists now predicts that the next solar storm season, which should peak in 4 years, will be the weakest since 1928. The most common measure of a solar cycle's intensity is the number of sunspots, the more spots, the more solar storms. Earlier predictions allowed for a higher number of sunspots.

The panel predicts that the upcoming solar cycle 24 (which keeps getting delayed) will peak in May of 2013, with a maximum of 90 sun spots per day on average.

If this new prediction is correct, it would make solar cycle 24 the weakest since 1928, when it peaked out with 78 sunspots. Solar cycle 24 would also be the 9th weakest season since the 1750's, when numbered cycles began.

Also, solar cycle 23, which is ending, could end up being the longest cycle since 1823.

An unusually long, deep lull in sunspots led the panel to revise its 2007 prediction that the next cycle of solar storms would start in March 2008 and peak in late 2011 or mid-2012. The persistence of a quiet sun also led the panel to a consensus that the next cycle will be "moderately weak," according to the NOAA press release.

Many scientists believe that long periods of low solar activity has a noticeable cooling effect on the planet.

Oh right! Great! That'll explain why I can't move my flippin' car! Bring back global warming! Everybody! Start breathing harder! We need more people! Breed like rabbits!

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