Thursday, November 24, 2011

Daily Mail Covers Australian Twin Abortion Tragedy

Click here for the Mail report on the 'distressing clinical incident' that cost the lives of two 32-week (8 months) old unborn children and leaves a mother utterly devastated and heartbroken.

'Distressing clinical incident'? For Pete's sake! What planet are these doctors and nurses inhabiting!? Call it what it is - a double tragedy for a mother and a father and the destruction of two innocent human lives!

I'd imagine its only 'distressing' because the World is waking up to the truth of what presumably takes place relatively frequently in Melbourne's hospital-cum-execution centre for the 'unfit'!

I heartily and absolutely disagree with the decision of the parents to go ahead with this terrible choice, but, that said, I still hope they sue this infant death-centre to Kingdom come. What do doctors have to do to get struck off nowadays? Actually, what do doctors have to do to get put inside for murder?

What's the point in having such an amazing looking hospital if with all that you can't be arsed to give such improved resources, technology and advancements in medical care to a little baby with a heart defect? The real 'heart defect' belongs surely to those in the business of killing little children! How wrong does the World have to get it on this issue to realise that the Church is right?

'Just a clump of cells': A 32-week born baby
By the way, are the mainstream press whitewashing the fact that these unborn children were aborted 32 weeks into the pregnancy? The Mail report doesn't say it, if it did before, Lifesitenews does, however. The BBC report also confirms it. We should pray for all concerned.

There are a couple of comments on the Mail article from women who have been offered 32-week abortions for babies with cleft palate, a perfectly operable condition. For those wondering how doctors can do this it is always worth recalling that Josef Mengele was a doctor too.

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