Thursday, November 24, 2011

The German Bishops just don't get it!

I shall refrain from using any German expletives here (great though they are at releasing one's angst!).

But really, the German Bishops are a bunch of limited thinkers are they not?

First they invest Diocesan funds into shares of  Weltbild, a publishing house that allegedly (note the word, allegedly) publishes pornography - yes, really! Catholic Bishops backing porno mags!

And now, when the mist hits the fan and they are found out...what do they do?

Of course, they do what any upright, Catholic organisation would do, they burn the shares, destroy them, commit them to oblivion and deny any future ownership of them. Or, alternatively they sell them and give all proceeds to charity in reparation of their stupid or negligent actions in acquiring them in the first place.
Or, at the very least they give the proceeds from the shares to a charity before taking the original investment sum back into their portfolio.

But......and it's a big fat German but....they don't do that.

They sell heard correctly...they are selling them and taking the accrued profits and the share price and stuffing it back in their coffers. Unless, of course, they tell the world that this is not the case.

Was that a butterfly coughing again?

O tempora O mores!

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