Friday, October 26, 2012

China by the Back Door

United Kingdom: Here is your future...
These are confusing times.

A Conservative minister is planning to use the power of the State to encourage a sector of the population to stop breeding. The name of that minister is Iain Duncan Smith and that minister is a Catholic.

It just goes to show that you can use the welfare state to economically manipulate people into a two-child policy.

The reaction of 'the right' in the UK is to say that these people can get jobs. Of course they can get jobs, but how do a man and a woman with little education and a CV that says they've had little work experience earn enough to have more than one or two children, pay for Council Tax, heating and water bills, food and electricity?

How does IDS, a Catholic, suggest these 'problem families' limit their breeding? With artificial contraception and abortion, perhaps? So, we see now, that abortion and artificial contraception, that procedure and those products advertised as a woman's 'choice', could well become an economic necessity when the State deems some families too expensive to prop up. Of course, if poor families become poorer, I suppose the role of Social Services will widen and deepen with those children not aborted but financially impossible to support are voluntarily given into the care system that turns out disturbed teenager after disturbed teenager.

Interesting, isn't it, that a creature of 'the right' can, in times of economic hardship become a creature of the hard left?

Just to remind you, both David Cameron and Iain Duncan Smith have four children each. Who pays their wages?

You do!

Who is propping up their lavish lifestyle and their families which, by modern day standards are large?

You are!

Who abused the expenses system in Parliament allowing them to claim housing benefit for various homes?

Why, our beloved Parliamentarians of course! God bless 'em!

Perhaps he hasn't thought about it, but really IDS, the Catholic Conservative, is introducing the UK to China by the back door.

A short history of the past 60 years of Britain:

The 'Left' hand created the instruments for the creation of a dystopia.

The 'Right' hand finished off the job and enacted its final phase, including the introduction of the Marxist cultural hand grenade of 'gay marriage'.

Makes you wonder whether there are people above our politicians 'pulling the strings' doesn't it? Well, we should ask the question, who got us to where we are now, this time of 'economic hardship'? Was it the poor? Was it people on benefits? Single mothers? Was it even politicians? Nope. It was banks...

All the politicians are doing is responding to the crisis.

As for work, well, admittedly things aren't quite as bad here as they are in Spain, with 25% unemployment...yet.

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