Thursday, January 31, 2013

Le Samourai

Jean-Pierre Melville's Le Samourai (1967) is a low-key masterwork. Melville influenced two generations of filmmakers with his stoic protagonist and meditative direction. Yet this striking neo-noir occupies a class of its own.

Hitman Jef Costello (Alain Delon) kills a nightclub owner and gets nabbed by the police. Though he establishes an alibi with a girlfriend (Nathalie Delon), Costello remains the Superintendent's (Francois Perrier) chief suspect. Jef dodges the cops and his double-crossing employer, being drawn to Valerie (Cathy Rosier), a nightclub musician who refused to identify him to the police. Yet Jef's employer offers him another job which hits closer to home.

Le Samourai oozes style. Melville provides meditative long takes and extended sequences, all conveyed with a minimum of dialogue. The opening shots of Jef in his lonely apartment set the tone, oppressive yet absorbing. The sparse plot allows Melville to focus on set pieces, from the prolonged police line-up to a frantic subway chase. The best scene has Jef ferreting out a wiretap, using his pet canary's chirping to distract eavesdroppers. Melville successful weds expressive direction with plays on genre tropes.

Melville cribs his plot from the noir This Gun for Hire (1942) but borrows the rituals and language of Westerns and samurai films. The title posits Jef as a modern-day ronin, a masterless killer cast adrift by his inscrutable code. Constantly alone, he uses people as tools without forging meaningful connections. Viewers might connect Jef to Clint Eastwood's Man With No Name but lacks his grudging morality. If Jef resembles any Leone character, it's Lee Van Cleef's Angel Eyes: "When I'm paid, I always see the job through!"

Alain Delon defines stoic. Jef rarely changes expressions or registers emotion, a Zen killer determined to control his emotions with his fate. Delon proves compelling through raw charisma, chiseled looks and cryptic gestures. Is this a great performance or a living embodiment of the Kuleshov effect? Either way Delon makes a unique antihero. 

Nathalie Delon (Alain's then-wife) plays Jef's beleaguered girlfriend. Cathy Rosier gets the most interesting character, a girl with motives as indecipherable as Jef's. Francois Perrier (Z) plays the dogged police inspector, with Jacques Leroy as a sleazy go-between.

Le Samourai is a classic. Its protagonist presaged four decades of antisocial antiheroes from The Conversation to Drive, but Melville's stellar craftsmanship remains the gold standard.

Remember to File Your Tax Return

And another one bites the dust

I'm losing count of the number of multinationals who have backed away from anti religious or irreligious activities.

There was Tesco and their sponsorship of Gay Pride and a few more that I cannot bring to mind and now, bless 'em, Pret a Manger has joined the ranks so you may safely get your delicious sandwiches and organic smoothies once more - they are (according to one famous blogger) removing Virgin Mary crisps from their shelves.

Good for them and good for their CEO Mr Schlee and good for all those souls who phoned or emailed them to complain. It worked.

Power to the bloggers!

Rumour has it that the Mormons are a tad upset as well

Can we say the same for the CofE?

The truths of the Anglican Church.

Founded by King Henry VIII, subject to the whims of the State, God not present and substantially worshipped, rewrote and distorted Sacred Scripture, cannot trace its line of shepherds to Apostles, fails to guard truth regarding it as subject to change in different times, doesn't believe in Salvation.

Courtesy of the excellent Catholic Memes:

"Mother! Is that you?!"

Bolivia has declared 'Mother Earth' has rights.

To read about the inalienable rights of Mother Earth, click here.

Then say a Hail Mary to the Mother so sacred that it is a worthwhile pursuit in endeavouring to please her.

Just to confirm, that'll be the Blessed Mother of God, Mary Most Holy.

Psychological Assessment and Review

As yet, I believe nobody in the Catholic press has reviewed what Russell Brand would describe as my 'booky-wook', not even Damian Thompson who is, I presume, too busy promoting his own. That's probably a good thing, because of its adult content and the style of the book itself. If I were a Catholic journalist, an ambition that is now further away than ever it was, I wouldn't want to touch it with a barge pole.

However, one person, at least (though it is likely that one commenter has 'multiple personalities') has already suggested that ten years ago, when the book was written, that I was 'nuts' or that I still am 'nuts'. I should like to tell this commentator that I have not written any such thing in any such style before the writing of '33' nor ever since this writing episode, ten years ago and nor do I have any intention to do so. I believe that to do so could be spiritually dangerous. For evidence of this, see Vassula Ryden.

For his benefit, if for nobody else's, I would like to make a defence not of the book itself but of the format of it, since this is what disturbs at least one reader and his multiple personalities the most. I have not made the claim, nor asserted in any way, that this book is definitively a conversation with Our Lord Jesus Christ. That is for others to decide. Let us imagine, however, that I did assert this. How would such a claim stand up to objective scrutiny?

The first objection to be raised is that a writing event that took place ten years ago is more likely to be evidence of some form of mental illness. It so happens that at the time of writing I was taking anti-depressives and was in a state of deep depression. So the vulnerable mental condition of the author cannot be disputed.

The writer, there is no doubt, at an early stage of his writing endeavour, believes he is having a conversation with some 'being' other than himself. However, just because the writer believes this, does not make it objectively true. The writer could, for instance, be totally deluded or indulging some kind of fantasy. This is, indeed, the most likely cause of the style which is known as 'automatic writing'. Therefore, the writer, it should be assumed, is undergoing, at the age of 25, some form of 'madness'.

What form of madness would this be? Has the writer developed a friendly alter-ego which he has developed and called 'G' which we presume stands for that which we call 'God'? The objection to the writer's claim - unless he is writing fiction deliberately - is that he is 'nuts'. The first mental illness we would investigate would be some form of schizophrenia. Indeed, there are multiple personalities evident in the work.

In order to determine the veracity of this claim - that the author is experiencing the effects of schizophrenia, we need to assert that there exists a psychological state which is to be known as 'the norm' or 'normal'. Can this be done? To suggest that there exists a 'norm' would suggest there exists a psychological state which is objective, stable and fixed, despite the vicissitudes of a person's life - their worries, anxieties and personal flaws. Since we need, in order to diagnose some form of acute madness or personality disorder, we cannot make an arbitrary decision. A diagnosis must be made on objective grounds.

Of the two characters or personalities that are manifested in the work, it appears that one, 'L', is unhappy with the tension that exists in his life between his sexual orientation and his religious faith. He is also unhappy because he is grieving the loss of a woman with whom he separated at University. His emotional state is storm-tossed and his behaviour highly erratic. It is evident that he masturbates a great deal and is deeply unhappy, isolated and feels terribly alone. 'L' is looking for answers to the fundamental issues affecting his life. In 'G', he discovers answers that enable him to resolve some incredibly deep rooted conflicts that are evident in his life.

For his part, of the two personalities expressed in the work, the personality 'G' claims divinity. This personality says, 'I am God'. This personality also identifies himself as the 'Conscience' of the writer. In contrast to the erratic, psychologically distressed, 'L', personality 'G' exhibits notable signs of compassion for personality 'L'. Personality 'G' also, however, takes personality 'L' to task on some very serious moral failing evident in personality 'L'. 'L' accepts the truth of his moral failings following the accusation of 'G' of betrayal and selfishness. While these accusations are blunt, 'G's assertions of moral failure by 'L' are followed by and preceded by words of consolation, understanding and love - a pattern that runs throughout the document.

'L', on the other hand, does not claim divinity. 'G' tells 'L' categorically that 'L' is a prolific 'sinner', but reassures him of the constant love that 'G' has for 'L'. 'L' accepts his moral failure and decides to place trust in the personality 'G', believing this personality to be divine, and seeks further help from 'G'.

If we put to one side the personality 'G's claim of divinity, because we are approaching this matter with objective scepticism, personality 'G' consistently provides 'L' with sound advice and a degree of wisdom that 'L' lacks. This dialogue between 'L' and 'G' enables the 'L' to work through some deep emotional wounds which he had previously been unable to resolve, which, if it could be summarised, amounts to the need for 'L' to lay down his life, forget himself and serve others. Insodoing, 'L' is promised happiness. These kinds of teachings are evident in the holy texts to which the author has been exposed since his conversion to the Catholic Faith in 2001.

Therefore, we now reconvene with, not an objection but a question. Since we view this book from the experience of one who does not believe in the supernatural, but one who works in the psychological field, it cannot be stated positively or negatively that this is an encounter between the author and God. Of the two personalities that are manifested in the work, however, it can be objectively stated that one personality 'L', is deeply flawed and extremely disturbed - at times - even hysterical. The other personality manifested in the book, 'G', on the other hand, appears, despite the assertion that he is divine, to be benign, caring, loving, peaceful, compassionate an at times incredibly tender towards the personality 'L'.

Of the 'split personality' disorders, can we discover a disorder in which one personality is 'all at sea', whereas another personality manifests some form of virtue or wisdom that strikes the other as being alien to it, if welcome? Is what we are seeing here a 'Dr Jeckal and Mr Hyde' disorder?

Throughout the writing encounter, as well as personalities being manfested in 'L' and 'G', there appears to be some form of 'battle of wills' going on. The will of personality 'G' is for personality 'L' to become more like 'G'. Personality 'G' identifies himself as Saviour, God, Love, Compassion, Incarnate Wisdom, Goodness Itself and Jesus Christ and describes the result of the dialogue taking place between the two personalities as being the result of a state of 'perpetual prayer'.

The author is obviously one who already prays, but the nature of the dialogue between the two personalities is notably intense. In fact, the two personalities, who at first appear as strangers, grow in relationship with one another. Between personality 'G' and personality 'L' a steadfast bond appears to grow that strikes the reader as being one of trust, friendship, intimacy and even perhaps some kind of 'love affair'. 'G', having described 'L' as the 'apple of his eye' and making notable exclamations of love for 'L', appears to draw from 'L' such exclamations as 'my Lord and my God!' and 'my God and my love'.

Therefore, we find in the author's claim that this is a divine encounter a curious element which is unusual in the field of psychology. The result of the dialogue that takes place between the two personalities are manifestly and evidently positive. From the personality discourse, the personality 'L' receives consolation and almost consistent love and support from the personality 'G'. From reading the manuscript, the psychological conflicts caused by painful separation between 'L' and his lost love 'Beatrice' appear to be healed by the realisation of 'L' that he has failed to put her needs above his own. Yet, in his moral failure to 'let her go' and wish her good, he finds in the personality 'G' a sudden, transforming and overwhelming joy and embrace, to the point that he exclaims personality 'G' to be the 'Messiah' and 'Saviour' of the World.

A new pledge of loyalty is made by 'L' to personality 'G' in a serous of exclamations that suggest that the personality 'L', so grateful for the help of personality 'G', wishes to serve 'G' alone and be possessed entirely by 'G'. Very soon after this 'crescendo', personality 'L' ends the book and writing ceases entirely indicating that something has been resolved in the mind of the author.

It becomes evident in the book that personality 'G' has taught, personally, 'L' the true meaning of love and its self-sacrificial nature. Personality 'G' is gladdened by the affection and generous response of personality 'L', implicitly promising a renewed hope of happiness and eternal reward for 'L'.

Despite the fact that throughout the dialogue between the two personalities, both personality 'G' and personality 'L' confirm the sexual orientation of the author to be homosexual, there is, if not what one would describe as a 'curing' of the 'condition' of homosexuality, some kind of healing in the author - not necessarily in terms of his sexual orientation, but in terms his view of the sexual expression of love.

This must be in some sense the case, because ten years after the writing episode, the author of the book maintains a three year relationship with a woman with whom he confidently asserts he will marry in the summer of 2013.

It appears from the outcome of this 'spiritual writing exercise' that the author has laid several 'demons' to rest and has, since writing the book, undergone some kind of personal liberation from his deeply conflicted psychological state, through the advice and encouragement, support and love of personality 'G'. The author, who was for a time seeing psychiatrists, a fact made evident in the work, was on substantially powerful anti-depressives. It is also true that he had undergone a period of cognitive behavioural therapy in London prior to the writing of this work. The author maintains that he stopped taking anti-depressives following the dialogue and no longer needs any form of counselling or cognitive therapy. He now appears to be living a far more stable, loving and emotionally healthy lifestyle, supported, regularly by his Catholic Faith.

It appears, too, that the author has gained vocationally, if not financially, from the writing experience, since in 2008, he began a blog which receives a not unsubstantial number of 'hits' a day. The author, or 'patient' maintains that writing this blog brings him a sense of fulfillment and meaning that was hitherto lacking. It is impossible to attribute the author's evident love for the Catholic Faith and for evangelizing through the new media to the writing episode he has named '33', but it is difficult to imagine the personality 'L' writing and communicating the Catholic Faith as passionately as he does going by the mental state of his personality at the time of writing the document, since the personality of 'L' appears to be timid and even afraid.

In my limited experience and knowledge of psychology, I know of few or no such cases in which a schizophrenic or multiple personality patient, nor even of one engaging in paranoid fantasies has benefited so much mentally, spiritually, emotionally or vocationally from the effects of his own psychiatric condition or disorder.

I would therefore assert that this is a hitherto unknown multiple personality event and that it cannot be immediately explained, for there is no explanation to hand for this dramatic account. The possibility of some form of supernatural event, or process taking place outside of the natural order cannot therefore be ruled out. The author's assertion therefore should not be immediately dismissed and the document remains mysterious.

I realise that people who talk about themselves in the third person are considered to be mad, but in order to give as an objective account as possible to the document by the person who wrote it, this assessment had to be done in such a style.

To readers already bored by this kind of self-indulgence, I apologise, but if someone calls me 'nuts', I feel strangely compelled to respond as best I can.

Not Pret a Manger!

Deacon Nick on Protect the Pope blog has a post regarding the sandwich chain, Pret a Manger, featuring 'Virgin Mary Crisps' on their menu.

Tasteless, moronic and insensitive, (Pret a Manger, I mean, not the crisps, I'm sure they are very tasty).

Sometimes I wish we were like some other faiths and could express our feelings and outrage by chucking a petrol bomb through the doors of PaM's Head Office or by stringing their CEO up from the nearest crane, but that is not our way, nor should it be anybody's way.

Deacon Nick makes the point that they would not upset the Muslims in such a manner.
My mind immediately flashes to a menu that features Prophetburgers or offers a Mecca Milkshake, such things might upset the Shi'ites you see?

What is to be done? I can't, in all honesty say that I will bring them to their knees by boycotting their establishments, I don't think that I have ever darkened their doorways. Certainly, the nearest branch to me must be over 100 miles distant in Metropolitan Cardiff.

Didn't the Lord ask us to kind to our enemies? And that, by offering up our acts of charity and kindness it would be rather like heaping white hot coals on their heads?

That has a lot of appeal to me. I shall remember Pret and their 'Catholic' CEO in my prayers but I can think of even more charitable ways of following out Our Lord's instructions; we could have flash mobs turning up for coffee and really showing them the power of the Virgin Mary by singing Salve Regina or a few groups saying the Rosary outside their premises - it would be rather grand if Juventutem could lead the way here, except that, I suspect they will be girding their loins ready for the 40 Days for Life vigils.

Maybe a private Rosary is the best one can do; that and being ready not to eat at Pret a Manger.

And, of course, you can always drop them a polite and courteous line or even phone Clive Schlee, their CEO, he is very proud of the fact that he is ready to speak to his customers at any time, his direct line number is 020 7827 8000

Their online complaints service is HERE

Ash Wednesday draws near

A Professor friend who spent many years at one of Wales' leading Universities relayed this Ash Wednesday story to me over the phone yesterday.

We were talking about attending Mass and receiving the ashes on 13th February when he remembered an occasion when he was giving a lecture to some 150 students.

It was Ash Wednesday and, he planned to cut the lecture short so that he could attend Mass and receive the ashes.

He gave the students some study work and then explained that, as it was Ash Wednesday, he was departing early to follow the custom of good Catholics everywhere and receive the ashes of Protestants who had been burnt at the stake.

Stunned silence.

Sometimes the Catholic sense of humour can be a little dark, but I like that.

Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Gruffalo Scandal

Behold, readers, the horned Beast of the Apocalypse.

Bring back the Index Librorum Prohibitorum.

Children should not be indoctrinated with this kind of diabolical storytelling.

Isn't it obvious who the Gruffalo really is? For how long will we allow this horned beast with yellow eyes to haunt and seduce the minds of young children?

Someone get me Bishop Williamson. He needs to know about this scandal.

Keep Calm and Carry On

Do read the excellent Gentlemind blog raising awareness of the forthcoming Mega-Bill and of the urgent need for legislators and British people to wake up and recognise the sleight of hand being played by Her Majesty's Government in its claim that this proposal merely 'extends' marriage.

Fifty Shades of Grayling

"Shocking, specious, treadmill, graphic, violent and grippingly tedious. You'll never think of secularists in the same way again."  ~ Washington Post

Signs of the Faith

The Angel in London's St Giles High Street, final stopping off point before Tyburn Road aka Oxford Street. During the Reformation period it was known as The Resurrection Gate.

It fell to my lot to be quizmaster at this week's pub quiz at The St Bride's.

An onerous task where you spend all afternoon researching the questions and then take a load of (friendly) barracking on the night itself.

One round of questions I compiled was on the origin of Pub signs, names if you will.

I must admit to my own ignorance here, and was somewhat surprised to find that many of the pub signs in Britain actually owe their origins to the Catholic Faith.

They are as follows:-

The Ship and Anchor - refers to the ark and the anchor of the Church, the Pope.

Lamb and Flag - the lamb representing Our Lord and the flag being the red cross of the St George and the Crusaders

The Bull - not the animal but the Papal insignia

The King's Head - in pre Reformation times these pubs were generally called The Pope's Head but were changed in fear of Henry VIII

The Bell - apparently local breweries sprang up alongside churches to provide for the churchgoers, a practice that faded away with Protestantism

The Angel - another reminder of the Catholic heritage (rather than Marks & Spencer)

The George & Dragon - featuring St George in what is believed to be an allegory of good conquering evil

The Star - being the star of Bethlehem

The Cross Keys - the keys of St Peter

The Hole in the Wall - a reference to a monastery nearby where food and goods were delivered and paid for via a hole in the wall system.

The Mitre - not a carpentry term but a reference to the bishop

The Hope and Anchor - takes its name from Letter to the Hebrews:

 "We have this as a sure and steadfast anchor of the soul, a hope."

                                      The Salutation Inn - referring to the Annunciation

The Three Crowns - the Magi

The Lion and Lamb, the lion representing the resurrection and the lamb being, Christ Himself.

The Five Ways - the five reasons for the existence of God (St Thomas Aquinas)

Many more inn signs would, of course, have been changed during periods of persecution and many more exist that are named after leading churchmen of the day. In my youth I used to enjoy a drink and a meal at The Stephen Langton in Surrey, named after a Catholic Archbishop of Canterbury who was in post from 1207 until his death in 1228.

And then, of course, we have The Square and Compass...ahem, much beloved by those who attend on the great master architect, our Freemason friends.
Enough said.


War is peace and there's gold reserves in Mali.

Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Something of Value

Richard Brooks' Something of Value (1957) makes odd viewing. Outwardly a racially-tinged melodrama, this adaptation of Robert Ruark's novel is full of unique artistic inflection. The off-kilter style proves more interesting than its hokey message.

Post-WWII Kenya. Peter McKenzie (Rock Hudson) and Kimani (Sidney Poitier) are childhood friends rent apart by racial tension. The arrest and death of Kimani's father (Ken Renard) drives Kimani into the arms of Mau Mau, a secret society agitating for independence. Kimani grows torn between his "civilized" teachings and Mau Mau's indiscriminate violence. Peter struggles with his fiance (Dana Wynter), joins a militia unit and restrains racists like Matson (Michael Pate), who hopes to spark an all-out race war.

Something of Value displays curious artistry. There's lots of African scenery but by shooting in black-and-white, Brooks and photographer Russell Harlan eschew the travelogue feel of The African Queen and Mogambo. Indeed, Value has an experimental feel, from the ragged editing to the expressionistic photography and eerie score of African songs and chants. Scenes dissolve into the next before they get going, creating a jarringly stilted effect. Brooks employs odd symbolism, from a Kikuyu prayer rock used to extract Mau Mau confessions to recurring use of pregnancy and children, juxtaposed with brutal violence.

If Something of Value retains the trappings of a message movie, it's a fairly good one. Unlike the British Simba, which preaches racial tolerance while demonizing Mau Mau, Brooks at least humanizes the Kenyan rebels. Matson's striking Kimani makes a simple but stark reminder of ingrained racism that no amount of good will can erase. Yet neither does the movie idealize Mau Mau's brutal terror campaign, which kick-starts a brutal wave of settler reprisals. The movie scores here, in Peter and Kimani's tragic friendship and the striking violence.

All the same, Value falls back on the anodyne message that extremists on both sides cause misunderstanding. This hand-wringing seems especially dubious couched in a colonial setting; imperial racism is more pernicious and far-reaching than Jim Crow segregation. More facile still is Brooks' unusually tin-eared dialogue, with Peter musing "we're not so far from savages ourselves" watching an "enhanced" interrogation. Characters like Matson and the demagogic Mau Mau leader (William Marshall) make too easy of villains. Brooks conveyed liberal messages more effectively in Elmer Gantry and In Cold Blood.

Rock Hudson, as usual, proves as emotive as his namesake. The guy's likeable enough but I've yet to find evidence he can act. Dana Wynter makes a one-note love interest, limited to cuddling Rock and photogenically cradling a Sten gun. Sidney Poitier compensates with a passionate performance. There are effective supporting roles by Juano Hernandez (Sergeant Rutledge) and William Marshall (The Boston Strangler) as Mau Mau leaders, Michael Pate (Major Dundee) as a murderous racist and the incomparable Wendy Hiller as Peter's haughty sister.

Something of Value is enjoyable provided you don't mind the lectures and artistic ostentation. If you ever wanted to see Sidney Poitier fighting with a machine gun in one hand and a baby in the other, this is the film for you.

ASBO Nation

Bills Within Bills

A leaked HM Government document disclosed this evening suggests that fears of marriage defenders over various and diverse implications of the 'same-sex marriage' proposals are not entirely unfounded.

The document lays out the various bills that will not have to be brought before the House of Commons for discussion, since all have been catered for under the proposal for 'same-sex marriage'.

These dramatic and revolutionary hidden bills are as follows:

Church of England Get With the Programme Bill
Royal Family Get With the Programme Bill
Age of Consent Reduction Bill (otherwise known as Tatchell and Harman's Law)
Frankie Goes to Hollywood Bill (aka When Two Tribes Go to War Bill)
Renaming of STIs and new NHS Dictionary Bill
Official Clothing Assessment Bill (aka Okay, So Who is Wearing the Trousers Here? Bill) 
Get with the Programme Assistance for Teachers, Clergy, Parents, Public Sector Workers Bill
Two's Company, Three's a Crowd Family Law Bill
LGBTQUABI Whatever Floats Your Boat Literature Dominated Public Libraries Bill 
Isle of Wight Re-Education Centres Bill
Foreign Immigrants Marriage Views Screening Bill
Religious Pathology Investigation Bureau Bill
Re-naming of Parents Bill
Ministry for Scripture Interpretation and Truth Bill
Re-Parenting of Children Bill
Child Removal for LGBT Placement Bill
Philosophy, History, Literature and Culture Rewriting Bill
Graphic Pornography for Minors and Encouragement to Dabble Bill 
Reappraisal of Shakespeare's Works Bill
LGBT History Revision Bill (aka Wilde's Law)
Theatre and Entertainment Revision Bill (aka, Julian Clary's Law)
Domestic BBC Psychological Warfare Against Unarmed Combatants Bill (aka Tavistock Bill)
Reproductive Farming and Human Cloning Bill 
Mass Media Government Conformity Bill
Domestic Defence and New Media Monitoring Bill (aka Turing's Law)
Telegraph Blogs Screening and Censoring Bill (aka Comment is Free as a Slave Bill)
Charitable Organisation Tax Exemption Exclusion Get With the Programme Bill
Male Breast-Feeding Pill Bill
Multi-Marriage Incest, Bigamy, Horse Marriages Bill 
Military Establishment and HM Prisons Marital Bunk Bed Bill
Linguistic Monitoring Unit Bill
Works of Dante Burning Bill (aka Fry's Law)
Official Government Dictionary Bill
Dangerous Thoughts, More Dangerous than Dangerous Dogs Bill
Same-Sex Wedding Songs Re-writing Bill
Anti-Social Bigoted Behaviour Bill
Abolition of Adultery Bill
Consummation: Who Needs It? Just Get With the Programme Bill
Road Closures for Social Engineering Works Ahead Bill
Gender Equality, Sexes Sameness, All Much of a Muchness Bill
Menacing Persons, Marriage Terrorists and Non-Compliants Bill
Marriage Licences Bill
Military War on Russia to Defeat Homophobic People's Bill
Licence to Breathe Bill
Year Zero Population Strategy Bill 
Abolition of Death, See We Can Do Anything Bill
Here's More or Less What's Down the Road, Archbishop Take Note Bill 

Unbelievably, this was only page one of the seven page document, as only the first page was disclosed. One campaigner, who wished to remain anonymous in case anyone should learn of aspects of his personal life spoke of the revelation while hanging out some dirty linen, "Not content with destroying the word 'Gay', now they want to destroy the word 'Marriage'.This is incredible. If they tried to introduce any one of these bills, it would be slung out and people would be in uproar, but because its all under one 'mega-bill', they think they can get away with it."

A Small Homeless Survey in Brighton

I attended, last night, the memorial Mass of a Polish man, aged 28, who committed suicide in the wake of losing his job in Brighton.

Pray for his soul and the countless friends who turned up for a memorial Mass. His body has been sent back to his parents in Poland and his friends are understandably devastated.

Some general and anonymous info from the Homeless Nightshelter project which may interest readers. What stunned me was the proportion of men who are from Eastern Europe who do not want to claim benefits because they want to work.

14 men: no drug addicts or people with substance or alcohol issues.

Polish male: Left homeless accommodation in Brighton, was unhappy there, now homeless.

British male: Left homeless accommodation, was unhappy there.

British male: Lost flat in another town. Came to Brighton. Was made to 'go back' by Rough Sleepers Team, but didn't work. Had mental breakdown, came back.

British male: Broke up with partner. Lived with girlfriend. Was not his tenancy - made homeless.

British male: Unable to access hostel support. Told he does not have 'significant issues'. Was in London hostel, lack of funding so left.

British male: Harrassment from neighbour and anti-social behaviour in other city. Left to come to Brighton.

Polish male: Lost job and lost housing in London. Now rough sleeping in Brighton.

Polish male: Lost job and lost housing in London. Now rough sleeping in Brighton.

British male: Couldn't afford rent, last rented in other county, could not afford it.

Slovakian male: Was in temporary hostel in London, but placement was temporary.

British male: Nowhere to stay in Brighton. Left supported accommodation in another town to be close to family and partner in Brighton.

Czech male:  Came to look for work. Was with Aunt in Czech Republic.

British male: Fleeing assault and violence in hostel in other part of country, so came to Brighton.

Australisian Male: People staying with moved, last july shared a house in Brighton, lived in Caravan, but now homeless.  

Cheery stuff, eh? They're all men, so tonight I'll let them know that if Cameron changes the definition of marriage, the door will be open for them to all get married to each other with a year or two. That'll help them. Isn't all this 'equality' stuff just so inspiring?

The Past is a Foreign Country

With Our Lord Jesus Christ, the past is a foreign country, but no ordinary foreign country. It is a country washed away, as if by a torrent of Blood and Water which gushed forth from His side for our redemption. When we go to Confession and receive Absolution, making us worthy to receive Him in the Holy Eucharist, our sins are like Atlantis, erased from the memory of God and man. As far as the East is from the West, that is how far God has removed our sins from us. Every time we go to Confession, every time we receive Holy Communion, we learn again that Christ makes all things new, for the 'former things have passed away'.

The Redemptorists - beyond redemption?

Some years ago our then parish priest sent off for a batch of Redemptorist leaflets for the Lenten preparations. He did not keep them long, he returned them with a note far more charitable in tone than if I had composed it.

They were weak and missed the point completely; if they had been produced by some obscure evangelical offshoot of a non conformist faith you might have said, "Yep, sadly misguided" and shot off a prayer or two for God to remove the blindfold.

But they came from a Catholic order or, as the Redemptorists prefer; "A Roman Catholic order".

The order is in the news again at present with the spoutings of Fr Tony Flannery and, I fear, the rot is deeply rooted.

As with dry rot, to remove it you must cut deep and burn all waste (not that I am suggesting any bonfires for the priests of that order, no, no, heaven forfend! (It is a thought though).

A visit to the Redemptorist website, the launchpad for their range of literature, books, posters, CDs and DVDs, is not inspiring.

I see their posters, every so often, when I visit a parish church where the parish priest must keep his brain in neutral gear. Why, oh why, do people drape them all over the sanctuary, like some gigantic classroom project?

And why do the posters all look as if they've been designed by primary stage three on ecstasy?

                             No, it's not hell, silly, it's a sign of Confirmation

I know it appears as if I am an old curmudgeon, constantly picking up on the bad things regarding the Faith....and it's true (although I draw a crumb of comfort from Mrs L who says that if we don't condemn we condone).

But, in reality, these posters and leaflets are as bad as The Tablet; they present the Church in a way that I cannot reconcile with the Faith that I was born into.

Of course, now that we have the reform of the reform underway, such literature is looking distinctly aged, old fashioned, even.

But who controls the Reds Redemptorists? Not the Diocesan Bishop? Not the Archbishop of Westminster? Then who?

There must be somebody in authority who could exercise a little burning control?

I guess it is their own Superior General or whatever title he goes under.

But that is really like asking an alcoholic to oversee a Beer Festival.

Monday, January 28, 2013

33: A New Publication For Your Perusal

Patron of this blog: St Jude Thaddeus
Dear readers,

We stand on the verge of the redefinition of the institution of marriage by Her Majesty's Government. As Catholics, we know that the defeat of this proposal is extremely unlikely. We are praying for reason and sense to prevail and for the light of Faith to dawn once more in the hearts of our legislators.

I knew, in 2003, when this publication was written that I would one day be called upon to bear witness to the Catholic Faith in a particular way and at a particular time. The particular way is by means of the publication of the book entitled '33' that now appears at the top of this blog. The particular time is now.

This book, to me, is a frank exchange between my soul and my Creator and Redeemer, but to you it is simply something a man has written. It is entirely up to readers to make up their own mind what it is. I can make no objective claim upon it regarding authenticity. It has been seen by a few people with a mixed response over whether it is suitable for publication. I know, however, that the ultimate decision on publication falls upon me.

I am not under the illusion that this book can save marriage in the United Kingdom. The protection and rescuing of the institution of marriage is the responsibility that falls upon legislators and also the Monarch who will be asked to give Royal Assent to the bill if it is successful in the Houses of Parliament.

Pray for Her Majesty the Queen
Whatever people make of it, I hope that it will serve as a stepping stone to those who might see in it some evidence of the sure hope that is within us of salvation and may also serve to awaken, within men, love for God, curiosity and interest in the Catholic Faith and that it may serve to overcome prejudices many have within and without the Catholic Church regarding the issue of homosexuality present within its pages.

I understand and fully take responsibility for the fact that this book will not be universally greeted, nor universally welcomed. I am prepared to lose friendships over its publication, since I understand that not all can bear to read a man's interior struggles, sins and anxieties. I offer this humiliation and whatever sufferings I endure to the Lord and accept whatever He sends me for my salvation and the salvation of others.

I am, as readers know, no Apostle, but an epistle. I am Laurence England, of Brighton, East Sussex; a poor sinner, yet servant of Our Lord Jesus Christ and His Blessed Mother; a humble servant of the Pope, Benedict XVI, who is Successor of St Peter; the Bishops, who are Successors to the Apostles and of the Clergy and consider myself to be the least in the Kingdom of Heaven.

It is not entirely impossible that the controversial nature of this publication, despite the fact that I make no claim over it other than what it means to me, personally, could bring me into some kind of official disrepute, since I presume not to forecast its reception. I endeavour to remain faithful, in spite of my sins, weaknesses and failings, to Our Lord Jesus Christ, since it is to Him that I must ultimately render an account of my life and, in particular, an account of whether I used the talents He has given me for His Eternal Glory.

I believe, too, that as long as we both shall live, I will have the understanding, love, loyalty and support of my fiancee from Acton, who will remain anonymous for obvious reasons, without whose love, companionship and support I am a ship-wreak to make St Paul wince. I pray for all who will read '33' and especially for those who fear the Church's teachings on human sexuality and marriage, that this small and humble offering may serve to alleviate their concerns, so that their entrance into the Ark of Truth and of Salvation may not be encumbered by fear.

I wondered for a deal of time whether this book would ever be published and especially whether it would be published after my death. I now understand, however, that the nature of the State in which all citizens of the United Kingdom live and that which, if trends continue, is to come calls for the publication of this rather odd book. With the redefinition of marriage around the corner and with all that this could entail, there is a very real danger that any book that examines the issue of homosexuality from a Catholic perspective could be branded offensive and dangerous. This is the logical outcome of the redefinition of marriage because of the new status that will be afforded to 'same-sex marriage', at the expense of true and natural marriage.

What to me is the incomplete story of my soul, but to you may well be the ravings of a total and utter fruitcake, I therefore present to readers. I hope also that it serves to raise the profile of all Catholic bloggers, as well as the Guild of Blessed Titus Brandsma, who write in defence of the Most Holy Faith and who are, at this time, doing all they can, alongside Bishops and Priests, to defend the institution from redefinition by an overarching State which sees fit to alter and destroy not just the institutions upon which every society is founded and built, but the very meaning of words themselves. God's judgment, as millions of Catholics know, can be so embarrassing, but whether we are 'straight' or 'gay', whatever inclinations or sins afflict us, no matter what we go through in this vale of tears, here is a phrase we can rely on: Jesus Christ, the same yesterday and today and forever. Nobody has to believe in this book, since it is just a book, but I am personally entitled believe in miracles and answers to prayer, whatever Richard Dawkins thinks of them.

I submit this publication to readers and ask that if this publication contains any error or heresy whatsoever, to bring it to my attention. If there is a Bishop who would like to give this publication an Imprimatur, then I have just one question. Have you lost your mind, my Lord?

I await the response of readers with utter trepidation.

St Jude Thaddeus, pray for us.
Blessed Titus Brandsma, pray for us.
Our Lady of Walsingham, pray for us.

Defend the Holy Faith. Defend Marriage. Defend our Holy Mother the Church. Defend freedom. Fight the good fight, pray for our legislators, Queen Elizabeth II and for our dear country. Let us defend marriage and the Truth even unto the shedding of our blood for Christ and His One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church.

Time to stop talking about Gay "marriage"

Mary O'Regan of The Path Less Taken blog has a post offering great insight into the life and mission of the Archbishop of San Francisco, His Grace, Archbishop Salvatore Cordileone.

It is always heartening to read more and more of the strong men and women of the Faith who are clear in their orthodoxy and who have a distinct perspective regarding the Ordinary and the Extraordinary Form of Mass Mass as the Archbishop says, when speaking of the Latin Mass:

"With that form of Mass you can hear the Church breathing through the centuries"

The Archbishop also points out that we should limit the usage of the phrase "gay marriage" in case we endow it with a permanence it does not command. I'm searching a blank mind for a descriptive phrase that does the task without mentioning marriage......any suggestions (polite ones, that is?)

The post is an excellent one, not only for the good news that it carries but also for its clarity and insight. Read and enjoy on The Path Less Taken.

Happy Feast Day

A very happy Feast of St Thomas Aquinas to all readers.

Pray for us St Thomas Aquinas,
that those with the gift of Faith may seek understanding,
that those with the gift of understanding
may give counsel to those who doubt
and that those who doubt may believe and understand,
recognising in the One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church,
the Eternal Word, Our Lord Jesus Christ,
the King of Eternal Glory,
Whom the Eternal Father sent into the World,
born of the Blessed Virgin Mary,
our Immaculate and sinless Queen
for the Salvation of sinners.

If a man wants to compose a little prayer to St Thomas does he need an Imprimatur? I do hope not!

Why not listen to St Thomas's Pange Lingua Gloriosi, which went straight to the top of the Church's hit parade around 1517 and stayed in the top ten for all the centuries up to the present, and most likely, until the End of Time.

Seriously, though, please help us, St Thomas, to defend Marriage from the attacks it is now under, in our country with arguments grounded in reason, yet inspired by Faith.

Sunday, January 27, 2013

Psst! Wanna saucy postcard?

Very cheeky, very saucy and, you can send it to David William Donald (Donald?) Cameron to tell him what he can do with his bright idea regarding making same sex "marriage" legitimate.

Thousands of said postcards opposing the proposed legislation on gay "marriage" were available at the back of Catholic Churches throughout the land this Sunday and, hopefully, many of the faithful will fill them in and send them to DC (not AC) via their local Member of Parliament.

Pembrokeshire and the surrounding area has three young, Conservative MPs who have  had promising careers ahead of them prior to Dave waking up one morning with a 40 watt light bulb protruding from his head.

All three MPs are anti gay "marriage" and all are highly likely to be signing on as consultants within the next couple of years if Dave has his way (becoming a consultant is the last retreat for those who cannot get honest work, I know that because I am one).

Hopefully, on Tuesday 29th January, the House of Commons will be awash with postcards from the Catholic electorate. MPs will have to traverse up the mountain of cards and abseil down the other side to arrive at their place on the green benches...well, one can but hope.

I still believe that we should march on Downing Street. The thing that politicians fear most is seeing people taking to the streets in great numbers a la the Paris march a few days ago.

Letters in the press may cause an hour or two of indigestion and the postcards may bring on a brief attack of the vapours in the Cameron household but now he is doing well in the polls, he is just going to dig his heels in and tough it out.

But a march, a Catholic march, even of modest proportions, would give him a severe dose of the screaming heebie jeebies.

And if we had a senior clergyman with some clout at the head of the might witness our dear leader cycling like mad along Whitehall......backwards!


Saturday, January 26, 2013

Funny old world

                                     Liberal Catholics wail and shriek

During the reign of Pope John Paul II, liberal Catholics would wail and shriek that they were in the grip of a traditional conservative who wanted to stamp out all that was warm and cuddly in the Faith.

Now, they look back with affection at Blessed John Paul II and recall "the good old days" while they wail and shriek that they are now in the hands of a traditional, conservative, Pope Benedict XVI.

Just wait till we get a real, conservative, traditional pope a la Pope
St Pius X......then we could all wail and shriek.

Liverpool Care Pathway Prayer Released

Official NHS Prayer released this year
An official NHS prayer has been released for those in the care of Primary Care Trusts up and down the land, in order to give spiritual comfort to those waiting to be starved and dehydrated to death under morphine:

'O God, save me in thy name: and judge me in thy strength. O Lord, hear my prayer: and hearken to the words of my mouth.
For strangers have risen up against me, and the mighty have sought after my soul: and they have not set God before their eyes.
Behold, God is my helper: and the Lord upholdeth my soul. Turn back the evil upon mine enemies: and destroy them in thy truth.
Freely will I sacrifice unto thee: and will praise thy good name, O Lord, for it is good. For thou has delivered me out of all trouble: and mine eye hath looked down upon mine enemies.' 

How Catholics should march

                                        "Let's go Lord......................."


Our Lady of Guadalupe,
we turn to you who are the protector of unborn children and ask that you intercede for us,
so that we may more firmly resolve to join you in protecting all human life.
Let our prayers be united to your perpetual motherly intercession on behalf of those whose lives are threatened,
be they in the womb of their mother, on the bed of infirmity, or in the latter years of their life.
May our prayers also be coupled with peaceful action which witnesses to the goodness and dignity of all human life,
so that our firmness of purpose may give courage to those who are fearful and bring light to those who are blinded by sin.
Encourage those who will be involved in the March for Life;
help them to walk closely with God and to give voice to the cry of the oppressed,
in order to remind the world of its commitment to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness for all people.
O Virgin Mother of God, present our petitions to your Son and ask Him to bless us with abundant life.

Brave New Brighton?

The Argus, Brighton's local newspaper, had a weird headline yesterday:

Police demand DNA from men with historic convictions for being gay

'Police turned up on the doorsteps of men and ordered them to hand over their DNA – for being gay. Officers went to the homes of three men and demanded they be allowed to collect samples from them in case they were guilty of unsolved crimes.

The men were picked out because they had been convicted of the outdated offence of gross indecency. And those who refused faced being arrested and taken to a police station for questioning. The tactic was used by officers as part of Operation Nutmeg, the force’s move to solve old crimes by collecting DNA samples from rapists, murderers and child sex abusers in case they were responsible but never caught.

But those convicted solely of gross indecency were also grouped in the directive and received a knock on the door – despite national guidelines saying they should not be. Two of the men were so concerned by the incident they called the Brighton LGBT Switchboard to see how it affected their legal rights. The historic anti-homosexuality offence of gross indecency, which was famously used to convict Oscar Wilde, was repealed in 2003...'

For full article click here. Best comment on The Argus's website:

"Well they're all undesirables aren't they? Walking the streets or cruising around in their cars, eyeing you up and just making you feel uncomfortable. This story just re-enforces my views. Not that I'm prejudiced mind, after all, some of my best friends are policemen ..."

Friday, January 25, 2013

Know Mary, Know Jesus

Horsing Around

Marriage Care

I can confirm that Marriage Care are happy to offer relationship counselling to people in civil partnerships.

I know because I've seen the form in which it asks whether you are 'married', 'single', 'divorced' or in a 'civil partnership'. So, James Preece was right on Marriage Care and if 'same-sex marriage' goes through they'll presumably be happy to do the same for all 'married couples'.


Do You Remember Voting for This Guy?

International financial rapist of nation states tells UK Prime Minister what to do on Europe.

Soros has helped to fund:

Campaign for 'gay marriage', LGBT movement
Pro-Euthanasia campaigns
Campaign for legalisation of all drugs
Artificial contraception and much, much more...

If Cameron is taking orders from Soros, Cameron needs to be arrested for treason.

We voted for corrupt politicians. Not corrupt billionaires in New York. He has a sense of irony, though. His mega-foundation is called 'Open Society'.


There are men in the World and even Catholic Church today who consider themselves to be modern day Oscar Wildes.

Most of them forget that not only was Wilde married to a woman who he loved (and with whom he had children), but was repentant over his 'gay lifestyle' when he was received into the Catholic Church on his death bed.

Since his conversion at any other time would have caused scandal to the Faithful, were he unrepentant, he would not have been received.

Marriage Morning Must Read

Courtesy of The Telegraph

'The Education Secretary issued formal reassurances that teachers and other staff who hold traditional views on marriage should not be punished for refusing to promote same-sex marriage at work.

 But a senior source in Mr Gove's department said the UK was not “in control” and that the ultimate decision might “inevitably” be taken at the European Court of Human Rights in Strasbourg.

 It comes as the Coalition prepares to publish a bill to allow same-sex couples to marry. David Cameron believes that gay marriage is a fundamental issue of equality and is determined to make it law.

But he is facing a backlash from within his own party and churches who believe it would undermine the institution of marriage by redefining it.'

Click here for full article. As often as you can, pray for the defeat of this 'proposal'.

To read the Same-Sex Marriage Bill 2012-2013, click here.

Without the enemy within

Father Simon Henry has an excellent post on Offerimus Tibi Domine that encapsulates beautifully, the main issue facing the Catholic Church today, that of the enemy within.

Those who in OTD's words: hate the Church as it has manifested itself for hundreds of years, certainly hate the Pope, hate Rome and hate the Tradition which has been the vehicle of transmitting the Faith and the Scriptures down the generations.

And Father Ray Blake makes the same approach from a different aspect HERE.

It set me thinking as to what our Catholic lives would be like if we did not have that element of the demonic. 

What difference would it make to our Faith, our spirituality, to be free of Bishops who persecuted any of their priests who showed a desire to celebrate the old rite of Mass, or priests who advocated abortion and same sex "marriage" or laity who were not spiteful in their attitude towards anything that smacked of reverence?

I think that I can give a fairly accurate assessment as to what life would be like without the enemy within, here is a broad brush picture:-

1. Mass Ad Orientum - in every church

2. The Tridentine Latin Mass available in every parish on Sundays and Holydays of Obligation

3. Benediction, Plainchant, May Processions and more in every parish

4. Reception of Holy Communion only by kneeling and mouth

5. Catholic Education with integrity and rigour

6. Head on conflict with the State over Adoption, Abortion, Same Sex "Marriage" and more

7. Seminary intakes up dramatically

8. A return of those who have "left" the Faith

9. An increase in Baptisms and Church weddings

10. Full churches

Thursday, January 24, 2013

Child Abuse

In the absence of natural parentage, it is child abuse to deny a child the right to a father and a mother. It is to neglect a child's welfare and best interests. Children require and deserve paternal love and a male role model as well as maternal love and role model for their personal development in order to grow up with a healthy attitude towards love and relationships. To adopt or 'buy' children in order to fulfill the personal desire of the adopter, rather than the needs of a child for a loving mother and father figure, is to turn the child into a product or a commodity.

Westminster: The seat of abused power
A Government that enshrines onto statute legislation that seeks to undermine or destroy those adoption charities who truly seek the welfare of children to be served, rather than the personal desires of potential adopters is a Government that no longer shows care or concern towards its young citizens, nor the institutions of marriage and the family that bind the society together.

A Government that deliberately legislates to penalise those who seek the best interests of children to be served is a Government worthy only of the scorn and contempt of its population. Such a Government has lost all legitimacy. Such a Government should be removed, since if it cannot be trusted to care for the welfare of children, it cannot be trusted to protect or defend the welfare or interests of any of its citizens.


It is worthy of note that the last time in human history the Government classified people along the lines of their sexuality, a great many homosexuals ended up getting exterminated by the Government, along with people classified according to their job, political affiliation and religion. They couldn't have done it without the help of IBM, of course.

Thank God that IBM - as an information technology company with reams of information on nearly everyone and with ongoing contracts with every kind of Government department around the globe - are no longer a force to be reckoned with. Such a company, I suppose, would in modern times have the ability to be something of an 'all-seeing eye'. Thankfully we've left that terrible period of history long behind. Oh, no wait...

I suppose that as long as Government is at the service of people, rather than people at the service of the State, IBM are a force for good 'service delivery' in the World. The problem seems to be that history tells us they don't mind doing business with Government when the State sees at least a proportion of its own citizens as expendable or in some way unhelpful to the Government's 'agenda'.

Do people really think that the absurdly powerful movers in this World, The Royal Society - along with those eugenicists at work within it - see homosexual persons as persons with an innate dignity that comes from being made in the image and likeness of God? Exactly where do homosexuals and lesbians fit in with the Human Genome Project? Are the rights of homosexuals, lesbians, bisexuals and transgendered people really cared for by Government and industry, or will all who sign up to this social engineering project and to being 'classified' be viewed in history as 'useful idiots'?

People must surely realise that the goal of the eugenicists at work in powerful groups in Government and industry is for total State control over human reproduction.

This can only be achieved by the complete destruction of marriage and the complete severing in the public consciousness of the link between sexual intercourse and procreation. Did not the brother of Julian Huxley, Aldous, warn us of what was to come if we did not wake up? 

If people at the top of the most powerful institutions around the World are basically Nazi in their outlook, are not homosexuals and lesbians going to be among the first groups to be lined up against the wall once the takeover of all of society is complete?

Call me a conspiracy theorist if you wish, but it seems obvious to me that the UK Government holds its own citizens in contempt. A Government that presides over the deliberate killing of its unborn citizens and of its elderly can in no way be relied upon to defend the rights of those in between these stages of life. What makes people so convinced it really cares for 'gay rights' when, in the grassroots gay community itself, there is such little call for 'gay marriage'? Can we be absolutely sure that what is 'down the road' is not just persecution of the Church, but the gas chambers for those who refuse to bow down to State-dictated morality and State-led tyranny?

If, as is regularly seen in Parliament, the people are ruled by a band of thieves and robbers, if Government is happy to kill its unborn and elderly citizens already, if Government lies to its people consistently and lies about its motives for 'foreign excursions', then in what way is the State trustworthy to deliver any service to the people that does not deserve the utmost scrutiny?

In what sense can we, as citizens of this country, accept a Government that sees itself as so powerful and so beyond the reach of natural justice that it believes a human institution such as marriage belongs to it and that the same Government can alter its inherent meaning, purpose and definition. Any society that allows its Government that kind of totalitarian power, knowing well the real possibility of the criminalization of those who disagree with its actions that will follow in the wake of its legislation, is a society that is literally asking for the terrible history of the 20th century to repeat itself in the 21st.

You might say that you can't imagine Cameron and Clegg endorsing anything seen in the 20th century (anything, that is, short of endorsing the killing of the unborn as a 'human right'). Fine. I would quite agree. However, what if we currently have, in the United Kingdom, not simply a State, but a State within the State in which Government personnel simply come and go? The way policy is developed and forced on the people today, without real reference to public opinion, along with the way in which public opinion is manipulated with the power of propaganda, it is not impossible that this is the State in which we now live.