Monday, January 28, 2013

33: A New Publication For Your Perusal

Patron of this blog: St Jude Thaddeus
Dear readers,

We stand on the verge of the redefinition of the institution of marriage by Her Majesty's Government. As Catholics, we know that the defeat of this proposal is extremely unlikely. We are praying for reason and sense to prevail and for the light of Faith to dawn once more in the hearts of our legislators.

I knew, in 2003, when this publication was written that I would one day be called upon to bear witness to the Catholic Faith in a particular way and at a particular time. The particular way is by means of the publication of the book entitled '33' that now appears at the top of this blog. The particular time is now.

This book, to me, is a frank exchange between my soul and my Creator and Redeemer, but to you it is simply something a man has written. It is entirely up to readers to make up their own mind what it is. I can make no objective claim upon it regarding authenticity. It has been seen by a few people with a mixed response over whether it is suitable for publication. I know, however, that the ultimate decision on publication falls upon me.

I am not under the illusion that this book can save marriage in the United Kingdom. The protection and rescuing of the institution of marriage is the responsibility that falls upon legislators and also the Monarch who will be asked to give Royal Assent to the bill if it is successful in the Houses of Parliament.

Pray for Her Majesty the Queen
Whatever people make of it, I hope that it will serve as a stepping stone to those who might see in it some evidence of the sure hope that is within us of salvation and may also serve to awaken, within men, love for God, curiosity and interest in the Catholic Faith and that it may serve to overcome prejudices many have within and without the Catholic Church regarding the issue of homosexuality present within its pages.

I understand and fully take responsibility for the fact that this book will not be universally greeted, nor universally welcomed. I am prepared to lose friendships over its publication, since I understand that not all can bear to read a man's interior struggles, sins and anxieties. I offer this humiliation and whatever sufferings I endure to the Lord and accept whatever He sends me for my salvation and the salvation of others.

I am, as readers know, no Apostle, but an epistle. I am Laurence England, of Brighton, East Sussex; a poor sinner, yet servant of Our Lord Jesus Christ and His Blessed Mother; a humble servant of the Pope, Benedict XVI, who is Successor of St Peter; the Bishops, who are Successors to the Apostles and of the Clergy and consider myself to be the least in the Kingdom of Heaven.

It is not entirely impossible that the controversial nature of this publication, despite the fact that I make no claim over it other than what it means to me, personally, could bring me into some kind of official disrepute, since I presume not to forecast its reception. I endeavour to remain faithful, in spite of my sins, weaknesses and failings, to Our Lord Jesus Christ, since it is to Him that I must ultimately render an account of my life and, in particular, an account of whether I used the talents He has given me for His Eternal Glory.

I believe, too, that as long as we both shall live, I will have the understanding, love, loyalty and support of my fiancee from Acton, who will remain anonymous for obvious reasons, without whose love, companionship and support I am a ship-wreak to make St Paul wince. I pray for all who will read '33' and especially for those who fear the Church's teachings on human sexuality and marriage, that this small and humble offering may serve to alleviate their concerns, so that their entrance into the Ark of Truth and of Salvation may not be encumbered by fear.

I wondered for a deal of time whether this book would ever be published and especially whether it would be published after my death. I now understand, however, that the nature of the State in which all citizens of the United Kingdom live and that which, if trends continue, is to come calls for the publication of this rather odd book. With the redefinition of marriage around the corner and with all that this could entail, there is a very real danger that any book that examines the issue of homosexuality from a Catholic perspective could be branded offensive and dangerous. This is the logical outcome of the redefinition of marriage because of the new status that will be afforded to 'same-sex marriage', at the expense of true and natural marriage.

What to me is the incomplete story of my soul, but to you may well be the ravings of a total and utter fruitcake, I therefore present to readers. I hope also that it serves to raise the profile of all Catholic bloggers, as well as the Guild of Blessed Titus Brandsma, who write in defence of the Most Holy Faith and who are, at this time, doing all they can, alongside Bishops and Priests, to defend the institution from redefinition by an overarching State which sees fit to alter and destroy not just the institutions upon which every society is founded and built, but the very meaning of words themselves. God's judgment, as millions of Catholics know, can be so embarrassing, but whether we are 'straight' or 'gay', whatever inclinations or sins afflict us, no matter what we go through in this vale of tears, here is a phrase we can rely on: Jesus Christ, the same yesterday and today and forever. Nobody has to believe in this book, since it is just a book, but I am personally entitled believe in miracles and answers to prayer, whatever Richard Dawkins thinks of them.

I submit this publication to readers and ask that if this publication contains any error or heresy whatsoever, to bring it to my attention. If there is a Bishop who would like to give this publication an Imprimatur, then I have just one question. Have you lost your mind, my Lord?

I await the response of readers with utter trepidation.

St Jude Thaddeus, pray for us.
Blessed Titus Brandsma, pray for us.
Our Lady of Walsingham, pray for us.

Defend the Holy Faith. Defend Marriage. Defend our Holy Mother the Church. Defend freedom. Fight the good fight, pray for our legislators, Queen Elizabeth II and for our dear country. Let us defend marriage and the Truth even unto the shedding of our blood for Christ and His One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church.

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