Sunday, January 20, 2013

The Church of Rome is a Foreign Power

The Final Invasion of the Foreign Power: Christ, His Angels and Saints on the Day of Judgment at the End of Time

This is a regular criticism made by English Protestants about the Catholic Church, who, making a breach with well over a millennium of theology concerning the distinct 'Otherness' of God, decided that God was, is, and always will be an Englishman. This is in spite of the intrinsic Jewishness of the Son of God, taking His flesh from the Blessed Virgin Mary and the somewhat 'International' make-up of what was to be the Early Church in the time of the Gentiles. In the year 597, the foreign power that is the Church of God landed upon England's shores and sang Gregorian Chant to the people of this land.

St Augustine of Canterbury: 'Johnny Foreigner'

The people enjoyed it so much, they stopped killing their infants and joined the foreign religious movement in their droves. Eventually, in fact, within years, St Augustine of Canterbury set up camp in Kent and the Roman power had conquered England, royalty and all, simply by singing some songs in Latin and walking around a lot.

Scholars maintain that the 'Englishness of God' was just an outcome of the schismatic thought of a German Englishman called Martin Luther, the Augustinian monk whose writings and activism would later be a cracking excuse for him to marry a nun and for a randy King to usurp the supreme governance of the Catholic Church in England and take with it vast swathes of both land and valuable assets.

Historians, however, point to this image below of the Resurrection as being predominant in the minds of Protestants. You can see quite clearly that the Lord is holding an English flag at His Resurrection.

Was He trying to tell us of his true nationality and of His early desire that the Church be not just One, but also English, rather than Rome-ish? Commentators at the time of the painting pointed to this image and asked the question, "What would one do after having been raised to life just three days after death? Would one not inquire after a cup of tea?"

"Cup of tea anyone?": Christ's Englishness seen in art

Questions about the nationality of God refused to die and Christ's instrinsic Englishness was established in the popular imagination through songs referring to the Son of God enjoying camping holidays in Cambersands in His Youth.

Nationalist tensions surrounding the Godhead persisted while His Representatives on Earth were seen to be living it up in Rome while accepting money from the rich to get their dead out of purgatory, more Churches might be built, the poor fed and the brave to be sent on Crusades to defend what had been known as Christendom from the forces of Islam.

These suspicions of God's Englishness persisted until it came to pass that in 1534, the English, with their new King, the fearless Henry VIII, kicked the foreign power known as the Eternal God and His ambassadors out of England and into Heaven to the joy of the English and especially the six-wived King who had succeeded, through artful propaganda, in convincing a nation of his right to make God in his image, wrestle control of the Church from a foreign power based in Rome and of his intrinsic right to kill anyone who opposed him.

Henry VIII: Founder of CofE and EDL
Seeing the fate of those who opposed the King, many decided it was probably best to go along with the new religion, but among those who refused this new set up was a Bishop of the foreign power, many religious of the same alien territory and laymen including St Thomas More.

St Thomas had kindly written the King's defence of the Seven Sacraments of the foreign power when the King was friendly towards It. King Henry's VIII's victims included numerous members of the foreign power who did not bow down and accept his right to govern the entire Universal Church from the See of Hampton Court.

The great institution that we call the Church of England was henceforth born, built upon not the sinless King of Eternal Glory, Our Lord Jesus Christ and His Prince, the Pope, but the malice, lust, envy, wrath, gluttony, greed, avarice and pride of King Henry VIII. This is the glory of the Church of England - as it was, is now and ever shall be.

Naturally, the historical realities of the Church of England give it ample moral room and justification to accuse the foreign power of Rome to be corrupt, depraved and only after property and money, despite the historical fact that the buildings the Anglican Church now occupy were stolen, looted and desecrated by the English at the behest of its less than saintly King, its inhabitants to be treated as dogs, tortured and put to death.

St Thomas More: 'Rome-ish tendancies'

Not only was the wealth of the foreign power taken by the sensual King, but its monasteries and abbeys were destroyed and burned to the ground, while England's poor, hitherto cared for under the wings of monks and nuns, were sent out into the street to fend for themselves and starve to death.

The new English Church's defense against a foreign power known as 'Heaven' was continued under Queen Elizabeth I, who instituted laws banning anyone from consorting with the foreign power and killed anyone who was suspected of 'Papist tendencies'.

Her battle cry against English citizens who wanted to maintain their citizenship of Heaven was heard around the country, as Elizabeth I launched an offensive against Catholic shopkeepers. Catholic grocers would hide as her henchmen stormed the streets shouting, "Keep your Rosaries off my groceries!" - a slogan which would later be revived by pro-abortionists from the 1960s to the present who had, after centuries of indoctrination thanks largely to the foreign power, decided that killing their infants was an acceptable practice after all. Centuries later, Lord Sainsbury would claim that to sell a lettuce for £1 was a 'bargain' and to sell tomatoes for £1.90 a 'snip'.

"Keep your Rosaries off my groceries...": Queen Elizabeth I launched an offensive against Catholic shopkeepers, only for prices to rocket under Lord Sainsbury
Elizabeth I repelled the legions of the foreign power when they sought to bring God back to the English and save their immortal souls. This we know as the defeat of the Spanish Armada of 1588 and, to the joy of the English, the citizens and emissaries of Heaven were turned back from English soil, to leave England in the Godless and heretical State it had come to know and love. In fact, under Elizabeth I, the citizens of Heaven lived under so much persecution that 'priest holes' were constructed in large houses all around the country just so that worshippers could attend the Latin Mass - a practice that revived from 1968 - 2007 in the Catholic Church - long after the Catholic Emancipation Act of 1829 allowed the citizens of the foreign power to worship in freedom and be considered vaguely English, but 'different'.

Elizabeth II: 'The Kaleidoscope Queen'
To this day, however, distrust of any power that is greater and more powerful than the British Empire has dogged relations between Britain and the countless army of martyrs, confessors, virgins, kings, queens and men and women of every rank, race and country who inhabit the Kingdom of Heaven under the authority of the Lord Jesus Christ.

Sadly, however, a once great nation, so obsessed with repelling the foreign power that is the Kingdom of Heaven, has degenerated into a moral, spiritual, political and cultural abyss of its own making, and despite Royalty's desire to remain free from the constraints that come with loyalty towards the Foreign Power - whose authority on Earth remains with Jesus Christ through His Vicar on Earth, Pope Benedict XVI - today's British Monarch's chief financial adviser and personal banker remains Lord Rothschild, a man who has always had the best interests of the English people at heart.

What a tender, loving heart that international financier and investment banker has for the British people! Truly, he has a banker's heart! Unlike Johnny Foreigner Pope Benedict XVI and his army of Papists, Lord Rothschild has always put the British people, their families and their interests first. So it is that in the year 2013, that with 'Same-Sex Marriage' the once great nation of the United Kingdom, so successful in repelling the Foreign Power and its agents on Earth, has accepted its fate as a nation divorced from natural law, at emnity with Almighty God, and so very depraved that its Monarch, having already given Royal Assent to the Abortion Act of 1967 - overseeing the countless deaths of unborn British citizens - and the Human Embryology and Fertilisation Act of 2008 - in which unborn British citizens are subject to medical experiments in laboratories - will now be forced to give Royal Assent to the redefinition of marriage to encompass couples of the same-sex, who can neither truly unite sexually, nor bring forth children - all while remaining the Supreme Governor of the Church of England and the 'Defender of the Faith'.

The Eternal King and Immaculate Queen of Heaven and Earth
Perhaps, after all of this time, it is time for Her Majesty to call upon the powers of Heaven to repel the wickedness - a diabolical power, indeed - that lies at the heart of the British Establishment. Only a truly Foreign Power - terrible as an army set in array, indeed - can possibly overcome the forces of darkness at work in a country like the United Kingdom. Were the powers of Heaven to be called upon by today's Monarch and her subjects, an army like that never seen before would come to the aid of her country - a country so dear to the Mother of God that she considers it her Dowry.

The Church of Rome may be considered a foreign power by British Protestants. For so it is - She is totally alien to the Godless! Catholics are still suspected and subject to scorn because they are considered to think themselves citizens of some other place, some other land and some other kingdom. This is true. We are exiles. Citizens of Heaven can be nothing else. English Catholics and British Catholics are citizens of Heaven - servants of the King of Eternal Glory and His Blessed Mother, Mary, the Immaculate Queen of Heaven first - and servants of the earthly Monarch and country second. The chief reason why the Catholic Church is still viewed by many as a foreign power in England is because Our Lord Jesus Christ is not just King and Judge of England and all of its inhabitants, but of every nation and every tribe on the Earth. His Kingship is an alien concept to England now, in the hearts of all but those who are the citizens of Heaven, who form His Bride, the One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church.

If you are an Protestant and you want to do something for your Immortal Souls, your Queen and country, then do the only thing left that you have not yet tried. Become a Catholic, pray for Queen Elizabeth II, pray for all in authority, take up the Rosary and do everything within your power, through peaceful means, to convert this land to the Faith of Christ, that His Kingship may reign once more in the hearts of all who inhabit this beautiful country.

God is not English, neither is He 'Roman'. Rome is merely the seat of His spiritual and moral Authority on Earth. God is beyond nationality and transcends all such earthly concepts of identity. When you die, you enter into Eternity and leave this land and enter into the utterly alien and foreign territory that is Death and Judgment.

Whether a soul goes to Hell, Purgatory or Heaven, we are assured of one thing. He or she will be surrounded by foreigners. The vast Empire that dwarfs that of the British is the Kingdom of Heaven. It belongs to Our Lord Jesus Christ, the King of Eternal Glory. There are no slaves there, no producers or consumers - only loyal subjects - sons, daughters and friends and the only thing He has won by conquest is the hearts and souls of men and women that He has called in every age to be His Saints. That said, if its any consolation, we are assured by Holy Church that there are plenty of English people in Heaven.

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