Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Out of the mouths of babes and atheists

Does it strike you as odd that most of the Popes of the last fifty years or so appear to be heading for saint status without most of the usual conditions being fulfilled?

It has been niggling away in my mind for some time, yet, because they are Popes of HMC, I have been unwilling to say anything that could be construed as curmudgeonly.

Now, it appears, an atheist has beaten me to it and come up with an "Emperor has no clothes" letter to The Times.

My thanks to a good Swansea friend who pointed me in the right direction.

Here is the letter from a Mr Ian Slade of London N7:-

In the past, centuries elapsed between Pope Saints - St. Pius V, died 1572, and St. Pius X, died 1914.  Now we are to believe that every pope since 1958 (1939 if one counts Pius XII) was of exalted sanctity.  John XXIII, imminent canonisation; Paul VI, imminent beatification; John Paul I, case opened; John Paul II, imminent canonisation.
As an atheist I cannot comment on the medievalism of miracles or their holiness.  However, it does seem odd to laud those under whose guidance the practice of the faith, numbers of clergy and moral authority  of the Catholic Church have all but collapsed."
Well, for once I agree with the words of an atheist.

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