Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Archbishops attack......with feather dusters!

Tickling David Cameron pink!

Archbishops Vincent Nichols of Westminster and Peter Smith of Southwark made a statement to the Prime Minister yesterday decrying the move to legalise same-sex marriage.

It was, if I remember correctly, the Labour MP, Dennis Skinner, who, many years ago described an attack by Conservative politician, Geoffrey Howe MP, as: "Like being savaged by a dead sheep."

That really is how their Graces' message comes across; too little, too weak, too late.

But what could they have done now that the National Census report that shows that the number of Christians in Britain now equals roughly the number of three legged chickens and that belief in God is virtually non-existent (other than in the Muslim community).

Well - they could have done and, indeed still have time to do one of the following:-

1. Issue a Christmas Pastoral letter to make the 'sleeping' Catholic community fully aware of the value of Christian marriage.

2. Dedicate all Masses on the Feast of the Holy Family (December 30th) to the cause of preserving the sanctity of marriage.

3. Organise a national march to the House of Commons

4. Gather together all the Cardinals and Bishops of Great Britain and walk, as a body, the Tyburn route, reciting the Rosary at Marble Arch (site of the 'Tyburn Tree')

5. Dedicate a national day of prayer and penance on behalf of the cause.

6. Lobby all Catholic MPs and Peers to ensure that they are at one with the requirements of their beliefs.

Perhaps you could suggest some more initiatives?

Surely any of the above would be a valid response and much, much better than a rather weak "Dear John".

And please remember to vote in the sidebar....thank you.

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