Sunday, May 23, 2010

The Real Vice of the LGBT Political Lobby is Narcissicism

I have received quite a few comments on a previous post on the Rainbow Sash Movement, more than I usually receive. I would like to elaborate on why this 'movement' and all the movements which seek to undermine or subvert Holy Mother Church are so very dangerous.

The LGBT lobby is concerned with championning the rights of lesbians, gays, bisexuals and transgendered people.  This much we know. Yet not all Catholics of a homosexual orientation are actively involved in the LGBT political movement.

There are a significant proportion of Catholics with a same sex attraction, we know that and heck, I know that. Some are active sexually, some are chaste, but not all Catholics, either active or chaste would place themselves in this political movement or campaign to champion the rights over which the LGBT lobby concern themselves.

On the other hand, some clearly do. Why? I would suggest that it is primarily because they are narcissists. There is a violent streak of narcissicism running through the arguments of Catholics who wish to make protest against either Church teaching or what they feel is prejudice against them, rooted in an inordinate desire for personal recognition. This is the case for the LGBT lobby on the whole and this is why the LGBT political movement within the Church should be seen as an infection, rather than a healthy movement for 'reforming the Church'. This self-love and desire for personal recognition in society and the Church, as well as the forging of a new identity grounded in sexuality alone is misguided and harmful to individuals, to society and, of course, to the Church.

Essentially, the campaign within the Church for recognition of LGBT rights is rooted in self-centredness and narcissicism. Even the mere idea of attending an LGBT Mass is inherently anti-Christian. It is closed, a club within the Church of men and women joined together not by their Faith in the Risen Christ, but by their sexual orientation and desire to see their interests given priority within the Church. Somehow, the Gospel of Our Lord Jesus Christ, which is essentially self-sacrificial in teaching and 'other-centred', becomes distorted by sin, selfishness and self-love, to become a Gospel of personal liberation and personal recognition which is corporately divisive. By this I mean that it divides the Body of Christ, rather than unites it. These souls have lost a sense of personal sin and believe that instead of serving, they believe that they and their needs and 'rights' need to be served. It is the spirit of the Antichrist.

These souls who will be wearing 'rainbow sashes' at Westminster Cathedral make it painfully clear that their chief concern is themselves and that their interests come before anything else - even the interests of Holy Mother Church. Quite apart from the fact that they will be guilty in desecrating the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass and the Blessed Sacrament, in making a visible protest during Mass, they have failed to see that the Gospel is less about championning our 'rights' and more about serving, praising and adoring God and serving the needs of our neighbour.

Furthermore, when asked the question, 'Who is my neighbour?' Our Blessed Lord made it clear that the poorest, the most abandoned, persecuted and vulnerable should be a primary concern of every follower of His. There have been times when homosexuals have been persecuted, often violently, harshly and unjustly so, but it can no longer be said that this is a poor, despised community who require the help of Christians. The gay lobby is in the ascendency in society, having achieved nearly every one of its goals and their goals are their only concern.

If gay, lesbian, bisexual or transgendered Catholics really want to be Catholic and live the Gospel there are plenty of people in need of their help and whose rights they can defend. Among them are the poor, the homeless, the unborn, who, far from being able to marry, are unable to live, the despised and persecuted drug addicts you will find in every town in the UK, asylum seekers, the mentally ill and the elderly who receive inadequate care and dignity and will very soon come under pressure from lobbyists on euthanasia.

Our Lord said, "If any man should come after me let him take up his Cross daily and follow Me." In so doing Our Blessed Lord was making a call to self-denial for the love of Him. Brighton is a town in dire need of true Christianity and it is full of gay men, many of whom are very wealthy (and unhappy) because they do not have to spend money on children. The 'pink pound' is strong here. Hedonism and pleasure seeking is rife. There is, on the other hand, great poverty, stigmatisation and hounding of the homeless and drug addicts. These people are not treated with dignity by the authorities and are worthy of the help of Christians.

If a few of the gay bars became homeless hostels providing care and treatment for the homeless and drug addicted, then you would know that Brighton and Hove was a gay and Christian city indeed. That day, I am afraid, will never arrive, because those who involve themselves actively in the gay political movement are so self-absorbed that on the whole they make it clear that they only care about the interests of themselves and their associates. A Catholic active in the LGBT political movement is therefore guilty of the sin of omission since membership of that society is inherently exclusive of others. As Catholics we are called to love everyone and to give priority to the poor, persecuted and outcasts of society in whom Christ Himself is served. I am sorry, chaps and indeed chapesses, but gays no longer fit that bill.

Happy Pentecost all!

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