Saturday, December 11, 2010

He Was Right...

Cardinal Kasper likened the UK to a "third World country"
Yes, he was. I don't know much about Cardinal Kasper, all I know is that he was probably told, like many of our elderly this winter, to 'stay at home', following remarks in which he was said to have likened the UK to a "third World country".

Doubtless that comment will not have bothered the usually unflappable British Ambassador to the Holy See, Francis Campbell, because he's the kind of man who is so cool in a crisis that he goes around telling foreign dignataries and aides that the Anglican Ordinariate, generously extended to disaffected traditional Anglicans will unleash a violent and bloody persecution of Catholic by Anglicans!

And there we were thinking that the global warming, eco-fanatical, nature worshippers were alarmists! Anyone would have thought Campbell was being fed propaganda by high-ranking enemies of the new Ordinariate, who in their arm-foldingly stubborn old ways feared that the generous conversion vehicle offered by the Holy Father might just destroy years of ecumenical beard-stroking, back-patting, tea and Victoria sponge cake and inter-faith cuddles while making absolutely no progress towards true Christian Unity whatsoever, in one fell swoop. Anyone would have thought these high-ranking men, and they are men, do not really believe that Salvation is to be found in the One True Church founded by Christ on the Rock of St Peter.

Anyway, according to the Daily Express, when the recent extremely cold snap snapped, this happened...

'Pensioners, who are among those most ­vulnerable to the cold, are resorting to ­extraordinary measures to keep warm. Many have been using their free travel ­passes to spend the day riding on buses while others are seeking refuge from the cold in libraries and shopping centres.'

Now, The Telegraph reports that with...

'Forecasters predicting more freezing conditions for the week ahead, one pensioner group warned deaths linked to the weather could rise to as many as 35,000 this winter.' 

I don't know about you, but I am starting to think that this is one third World country that could do with some more global warming and some less diversion of public funds to supra-national institutions to cut carbon emissions! Before we save the planet, we should look after our own elderly! I'm trying to work this one out. We are the kind of country that believes it is right that we commit ourselves to lowering the global temperature, while our elderly freeze?

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