Wednesday, October 26, 2011

This man has done more for Christianity than most of our Bishops

Adrian Smith, employee of Trafford Housing Trust in Manchester, made a statement to the effect that Churches should not be forced to carry out same sex weddings.

A Facebook entry crosses the divide
between public and private but, it was
an entry made in Mr Smith's own time

That statement was made privately (if Facebook entries can be deemed private) and it was done in his own time, not that of his employers.

As a result he has been demoted to a lesser position with a corresponding reduction in salary.

I do not know which Christian denomination Mr Smith belongs to, it does not actually matter in this context, he has offered up his livelihood for what he knows to be true - he has become a "dry" martyr!

I do know that his lead is a brave one; it takes courage to stick your head up above the parapet, especially if you believe that measures will be taken against you.
Before long I can envisage civil prosecutions being applied as a result of anyone swimming against the flow of sewage that society forces upon us.

Well done Mr Smith, you have my prayers and, I am sure the prayers of many others to support and strengthen you.

What can we as Catholic bloggers expect in the future? Much of the same I suspect.

Now, we await a move from our Church leaders. Will one or some of them (or, even 20% of them - see Ecumenical Diablog) stand up in front of the cameras and state that the Trafford Housing Trust and other organisations like them are wrong. That David Cameron is also wrong to pursue his goal of same sex marriage for homosexuals and lesbians and, before long, for those who might wish to wed their poodle or pet goat.

If Cardinal Heenan was alive I can assure you that every portal in the media would have been kicked open by now and the good Cardinal would have stated the position of the Church clearly and unequivocally - none of this "Who knows what's down the road?" nonsense.

As a matter of fact, I do know what is down the road if we continue along this involves hellfire and damnation!

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