Saturday, May 4, 2013

Good Porn, Bad Porn

"Hello, Mrs Jones, I'm new to the area. I've just knocked on your door to ask whether I can borrow your child for the day. Oh don't worry, its okay, I've got an enhanced CRB check.Yes, I'm just in the area and wonder whether you'd mind me showing your child some pornography. No, no, don't worry, its nothing 'dodgy'. I just think it would be good to be able to show your child some pornography so that your child is able to distinguish between good porn and bad porn - you know - good porn between loving people of either the same or the opposite sex - and bad porn - which involves more people and an element of violence. Mrs Jones, I can see you are feeling quite negative about this idea. You are looking quite inflamed all of a sudden. I'll come back again another day. But here, take my card and take some time to think about it because a group of experts agree with me that this is a really good idea. It's all in your child's best interests, you know that, don't you, Mrs Jones? Yes, yes, see, Barnados and the NSPCC recommended me. Don't worry, I have been accredited by the experts. Still not interested? Okay, well I'll come back later. You're calling the police? Oh no, Mrs Jones, this is all legal and above board...well...kind of...It really depends what law you look at..."

In order to see the insanity into which this country has descended, read here. Soon, if things go in the direction they are going already, a school-teacher will be able to teach children or show children more or less anything - a-n-y-t-h-i-ng - just as long as it isn't Christianity. Porn? Yes, why not? We need to guide children to the good porn - the non-addictive, loving kind of porn that doesn't objectify men and women, doesn't give viewers a distorted vision of human sexuality and love - a kind of good porn that doesn't. Actually. Even. Exist. The kids want heroin? Okay, okay well let's give them really 'good heroin'! This stuff will sort you right out kids!

"You a teacher with a problem with that? You must be some kind of prejudiced 'bigot' or something! We're only asking you show your class porn as an 'educational experience'! Get over it, bigot!"

Then, after the 'same-sex marriage' bill becomes law, its 'gay porn showtime' ('because two men committing sodomy are two persons in a 'loving marital relationship') in your local school classroom. See, there is 'good' gay porn and 'bad' gay porn and its important the gay kids who need to be 'affirmed' in their 'gay identity' and so know and understand the difference.

"You a parent with a problem with that? You must be some kind of prejudiced 'bigot' or something! We're only showing your kids gay porn! Get over it, hater!"

So, after all this time, Peter Tatchell, Harriet Harman and the 'paedophile rights' crowd get what he and they always wanted - the minds, at the very least, of your children. Astonishing how easily evil can slip under the radar isn't it? Vote UKIP and pray the Rosary. They can be no worse than the bunch of clowns (and Fabian fifth columnists) in Parliament and its time the 'experts' were shown the door as well.

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