Thursday, May 23, 2013


David Cameron
David Cameron: "Go about your life, live your life and show that terrorists can never win."

British electorate: "Great. Can we have some of your bodyguards?"

Boris Johnson: ‘One obvious point, it is completely wrong to blame this killing on Islam but also wrong to draw a link between this murder and British foreign policy.’

Killer: 'We swear by Almighty Allah we will never stop fighting you. The only reasons we have done this is because Muslims are dying every day...He is a British soldier, he killed people, he killed Muslim people, in Muslim countries.'

David Cameron: ‘People across Britain, people in every community, I believe, will utterly condemn this attack. We have had these sorts of attacks before in our country and we never buckle in the face of them. ‘The terrorists never win because they cannot defeat the values we hold dear. We have always beaten them back. We have done that through a combination of vigilance, of security, of security information, good policing.'

British electorate: "What values are you thinking of? Same-sex marriage values?"

Killer: 'You people will never be safe. Remove your government, they don't care about you. You think David Cameron is going to get caught in the street when we start busting our guns, you think politicians are going to die? No it's going to be the average guy, like you, and your children. So get rid of them. Tell them to bring our troops back so you can all live in peace'.

Aside from the horror of what took place in Woolwich yesterday, the incomprehensible evil of it, the most disturbing thing about it is that I find myself agreeing with the killer. 'Remove your government, they don't care about you.'

May God grant to the fallen soldier eternal rest and to UKIP, a richly deserved landslide.

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