Sunday, October 20, 2013

Your Holiness Pope Francis, Remember The Powerful Forces That You Are Up Against!

If this video is a fake, some conspiracy nerd out there is very, very, exceedingly clever. Either way, it's just one of the most disturbing videos I have ever seen.

The Illuminati: Going public?

Are you guys for real? The 'Official Illuminati Website'...
While I hope and pray sincerely that the above video is a very, very convincing fake, I also hope that the Official Illuminati website, too, is a fake. Otherwise, we are headed for some very, very troubling times. Another Illuminati website is to be found here. Do people owe 'conspiracy theorists' an apology or what? If these sites are for real then why are 'they' going public in the year 2013? Why are the 'Illumined Ones' coming out in public on the internet? If the sites belong to those who they claim to be from, their justification can be found here.


Remember, Your Holiness Pope Francis, just what it is that you are up against and be sure, confident that the Immaculate Heart of Mary will triumph in the end. Christ reigns! Christ conquers! Christ commands!

Be courageous, Your Holiness. Be like Moses! Extend your arms in prayer as we approach in trepidation the Great Battle long promised in Sacred Scripture. Be strong in the face of the world's hatred of the Bride of Christ and teach us, the flock of Christ, the way to Salvation. Exhort us to prayer and penance, to reject sin and evil, to adore Jesus, to worship Him as our God, to love His Blessed Mother. Increase our faith! Be firm! Recognise the evil in God's House for your enemies surround the Chair of Peter like ravenous wolves!

The Blessed Virgin Mary, Lover and Protectress of Christ's Vicar on Earth

Please, Pope Francis, Your Holiness, do not let the enemies of the Church deceive or prevail against God's children! Millions of souls are at stake! Do not let the vicious enemies of God and man destroy the Faith of Christ or to ravage, violate or rape His Bride, the Church! Defend Her with your life! Resist all who wish to violate Her Laws, Her Customs, Her Teachings, Her Religious Orders, Her Divine Constitutions and Her Sacraments! Enemies of Christ now surround you who wish to do just this!

You are not their man! You are the Vicar of Christ and the Successor of St Peter! Please guard the Deposit of Faith with your very life for this will very soon be under great attack, like no attack the Church has ever experienced in Her history! You are not their man, for thou art Peter, the Rock upon which Our Lord Jesus Christ has built His Church and against this Church the Gates of Hell shall never prevail!

Ecclesiastical Freemasonry, Your Holiness knows surely that such a thing exists, plans the demolition of the Church as it always has in its uppermost ranks. They are the children of the Devil, not the children of Light! Resist them, Holy Father, will all your might! Extend your arms in prayer, like Moses, as the final stage of the Great Battle commences in earnest. Be for us a shield and protector, but most of all, a wise and loving Father! The diabolical enemy may come as an angel of light, peace, harmony and brotherhood for all men. Should he appear, I implore that you resist him and insist that we, too, resist him upon his appearance! Urge us all, dear Holy Father, to be faithful, if necessary with our own blood, to Our Lord Jesus Christ.

Proclaim the message and, welcome or unwelcome, insist on it.
Refute falsehood, correct error, give encouragement -
but do all with patience and with care to instruct.
The time is sure to come when people will not accept sound teaching,
but their ears will be itching for anything new
and they will collect for themselves a whole series of teachers according to their own tastes;
and then they will shut their ears to the truth and will turn to myths.

(2 Timothy 4:2-4)


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