Monday, September 15, 2008

Barefoot Walking

I know this is going to sound awfully hippy and new age, but on walking to town to collect my car the other day I had a sudden urge to take off my sandals and walk barefoot. Near where I live there is not much glass on the ground but obviously the closer you get to town the more glass appears as you approach the pubs and clubs.

I must say it does feel strangely liberating and comforting to feel my feet landing on solid ground. Perhaps because there is a lack of solid ground in my life, it compensates! Once you get closer into town it is impossible though, without getting glass stuck in your soles!

When I go to Seville at the weekend I will try it there. I know there is a tradition for pilgrims to walk barefoot as penance when they are visiting a famous shrine or place of pilgrimmage. As well as the obvious decrease in physical comfort enjoyed by the shoe-wearer, I suppose it symbolises a certain nakedness and humility, when you forego the shoe.

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