Thursday, February 5, 2009

Obama on Life?

Associated Press

President Barack Obama
is telling the National Prayer Breakfast that even though faith too often has been used "as a tool to divide us from one another," there is no religion in the world that is based on hatred.

Obama, in prepared remarks, said, "There is no God who condones taking the life of an innocent human being."

Obama is also telling the gathering that the White House Office of Faith-Based and Neighborhood Partnerships that he is announcing Thursday won't favor any religious group, or favor religious groups over secular groups.

He says it will help organizations that want to "work on behalf of our communities," without "blurring the line" between church and state.

For a moment there I thought he had had a rethink on FOCA! Wishful thinking!

Meanwhile the Telegraph has this picture of the former PM, Tony Blair, who it seems, has just fallen for his second US President in quick succession. If I didn't know any better, I'd start thinking Blair has something of a soft-spot for US Presidents with a brazen disregard for human life. What a tart!

Mr Obama praised Mr Blair as "somebody who did it first and perhaps did it better than I will do". Good Lord, Barack, I doubt you'll be able to deceive your own people, set back the pro-Life movement by 20 years and invade a sovereign nation in an illegal war as well as he did, but then who knows what you've got up your sleeve? You're already doing pretty well at two of those things, and who knows you may be even better at the third than him.

Why is it that this picture looks like that scene in Star Wars when the Imperial Emperor applauds Luke Skywalker for giving in to his Dark Side a bit while giving Darth Vader a good hiding. Apparently Brown is going to be fuming that Blair met the new President before him. Looks like Blair has found a new vacant idol to worship...stick to Christ and the His Church, Tony, it's a lot better for your soul than the man clapping you, mate.

Blair: "Can I have some money for my Faith Foundation?"

Obama: "Sure thing. It isn't pro-Life or anything is it?"

Blair: "Oh God no! I wouldn't dream! I mean it's a woman's right to kill her child. Just because I've converted to Catholicism and profess to believe all the Church holds sacred, that doesn't change my view on it."

Obama: "Oh thank God for that! I've got enough of those pro-Life people on my back, while I try to remove all protective measures for the unborn from the legislature and people's memory! It's hard work, I can tell you. Anyway, here's a cheque for $10,000."

Blair: "Thanks, Barry."

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