Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Local Church Architecture

Built to the Greater Glory of God

Aliens arrive on Earth and land in Hollingbury, Brighton. They quite naturally go to a Police station to enquire about who they should speak to about God since they have heard that the Son of God dwelt with mankind around 2,000 odd years ago and the events surrounding His Life were so significant that the vast majority of mankind changed the calendar. The Police drop them off at the nearest Catholic Church.

The aliens talk to the Priest and say, "Take us to your leader." The Priest answers, "I can't just call the Prime Minister just like that!" They say, "No, your leader." The Priest looks vexed and confused but after a while says, "Oh! You mean the Pope! Well, I can't just call the Pope, but I'll see what I can do."

So, the Priest calls the Vatican and tells the Vatican that aliens have come to him to enquire about the Redemption of the World. The Vatican say, "Sure thing, stick them on a plane and we'll catechise them. They can have a private audience and all that." The Priest puts the phone down.

The aliens are looking at him intently. He's perturbed and says, "What? Is there a problem?"
The aliens say, "What is this place? Is it, like, some kind of warehouse?"
The Priest replies, "What, this? This is a Church."
The aliens look at each other before gazing at the Priest.
"A Church, you say?" says the chief alien, "What is that?"
The Priest says, "Well, a Church is a place where we worship the Almighty God, Maker of Heaven and Earth, of all that is seen and unseen."
The chief alien laughs and says, "What...You do that here?"
The Priest looks worried and says, "Well...Yes!"
One of the aliens says, "So, you are telling me, that the Almighty God, Maker of Heaven and Earth, of all that is seen and unseen is worshipped here?!"
The Priest says, "Well...Yes! Here we worship the Almighty God! I mean, whats funny or odd about that?!"

The aliens giggle amongst themselves until one of them says, "Look," holding back his laughter, "Who are these chancers!? I think if God had really come down to Earth from Heaven, they'd have come up with something a bit better than that! See you later, Father! Come on boys, we're going home..."

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