Monday, March 8, 2010

Voices in Exile

Courtesy of Daily Mail

An immigrant family of three facing deportation died after jumping from the 15th floor of a high-rise flat. The horrific incident happened at a notorious tower block complex in a run-down district of Glasgow.

The bodies of the victims - understood to be a man, his wife and their son - were found lying at the foot of the block. They tied themselves together before making the 150ft suicide leap from the YMCA-managed property.

Although the victims' identities have not been released, locals said they may have been Kosovans or Russians who faced being deported. An immigrant family of three facing deportation died after jumping from the 15th floor of a high-rise flat.

The horrific incident happened at a notorious tower block complex in a run-down district of Glasgow. The bodies of the victims - understood to be a man, his wife and their son - were found lying at the foot of the block.

They tied themselves together before making the 150ft suicide leap from the YMCA-managed property. Although the victims' identities have not been released, locals said they may have been Kosovans or Russians who faced being deported.

Robina Qureshi, director of the charity, said: 'We know that they were asylum seekers. We know that their asylum application had been refused and were facing imminent destitution under the asylum rules. The son was in his 20s and the mother was in her 40s. We believe that there should be a public inquiry into these deaths, and particularly to do with the impact that the UK Borders Agency has on the lives of asylum seekers who have lived here for years but live in the fear of removal. We want to know what role the UK Borders Agency (UKBA) played. We ask that the UKBA issue an immediate statement about the suicides.'

Our Government clearly know how to push men and women and their children to the brink...and beyond. Pray for them. Here is the website of Voices in Exile, ran from the basement of St Mary Magdalen's Church. They do a lot of good work campaigning on behalf of those who are destitute and wish to stay in this country, rather than be returned to a place they deem worth than death itself.

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