Sunday, September 26, 2010

The Most Fascinating Statistic Yet Revealed...

Read the full story in, cough, sorry, The Daily Mail, though The Independent have covered this too...
UK's homosexual population size revealed: Just 1.5% of Britons say they are gay, lesbian or bisexual.
I had thought it was 1 in 10...Oh well, perhaps that was just propaganda after all. 1.5 % of the UK...According to the Mail, that's about 1 in 100 people identify as L, G, or B .

According to the Census of 2001, out of a total population of about 60 million, about 1 in 12 people in the United Kingdom is Catholic. So why is this not reflected in Government policy, Government think-tanks or in just who the Government listens to? Perhaps it is a case of whoever shouts the loudest is heard...

How can it be that just 1.5 % of the population are running the BBC and other mainstream media outlets? Credit where its due! You can say what you like, but that's an incredible work rate and tireless effort on behalf of the cause! If only we Catholics were so devoted!

According to The Independent...

'The most commonly used previous estimate was 6 per cent which was cited by ministers when civil partnership legislation was introduced in 2005.' 

It's really very, very clever. If only Catholics were so organised and media friendly. We need to get the Holy Father here every year to convince society that we're everywhere! Oh...we are, just we're so passive!

We need to be a relatively small but vociferous minority in society, but still be larger than the gay population...which, er, we are.

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