Tuesday, March 22, 2011

What do you fancy? An Indian or Chinese?

Mmmm.....well, I had an Indian last Sunday so maybe I'll go for the Chinese. No, silly, I am not talking about take away meals....it's the Mass! You know, the one where back in the 70s there was all that fuss about how you must have Mass in the vernacular and how Latin must be kicked into touch? Got it?

I really am sorry to raise this again especially as I posted on it recently but I have received reports that indicate that more and more overseas priests are being appointed to parishes left right and centre and that they bring with them, their own language (and culture) Masses.

Indian curry, Yes! - Indian Mass - No thanks!

I am not a xenophobe, honest, it's just that nothing gets a Bishop in a tizz quicker than asking for an Extraordinary Form of Mass to be provided. "A what?" he roars "Doncha know that it's anti women and unchristian and, anyway, there's no call for it?"
Funny the way people always say "there's no call for it" just when you are asking them for it!
"B-b-but Bishop" one stammers, "you have parishes with Mass in the Malabar Rite, in Putonghua, Tagalog, Polish, Spanish, Swedish and Yiddish (well, maybe not the last one) why can't we have it in a universal language like, err, like Latin?"

"Listen you elitist racist scum just you forget about all that fancy Latiney nonsense and forget about having it in English too, or Welsh for that matter. With the lack of vocations and the way Rome treats us Bishops you are very lucky to have a Mass at all!"
"Sorry Bishop, what about Erse?"

Now an innate and rare sense of fairness compels me to tell you that Kate at
Australia Incognita disagrees with me. She has a case to state and you may read it on her excellent blog. But I am adamant in my stance.
The world is surely set on its head when we no longer even have an English Mass to attend.

Oh, and by the way, from now on this blog will be available in Serbo-Croat, Ket and Shqip. Howda?

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