Monday, December 9, 2013

Holocaust Denier!

Playing the numbers game: Tom Chivers and Richard Williamson

'Even if the "90,000 martyrs a year" figure was accurate, which is highly questionable, it is no longer – and so the 100,000 a year quoted by Alan and by Jim Shannon MP is also wildly wrong. The real number is more likely to be about an order of magnitude lower. And, indeed, Prof Thomas Schirrmacher from the International Society from Human Rights, again quoted by Alexander, says that while there is no good research on it at all, their best guess at the moment is about 7,000 to 8,000 Christians killed for their beliefs worldwide.' ~ Tom Chivers

So says Tom Chivers today on his Telegraph blog.

I've no time for the idea of the 'great Holocaust swindle' conspiracy perpetuated by Bishop Richard Williamson. It seems obvious to me that a great many Jews died in the Holocaust. Was it 6 million? Was it 4 million? Was it 3 million? Was it hundreds of thousands? I don't know and I've never bothered to investigate it for myself, but then what matters is that we know a lot of Jews were unjustly killed by the Nazi regime for their ethnicity, race, or religion and that should always be recalled and never forgotten, lest history repeat itself.

What I do find interesting however is the 'numbers game' seems to be 'fair game' when it comes to Christians. Mr Chivers, try this tactic with the Holocaust and see what happens to you! Your P45 would only be the start of it! Christians are paying with their lives in great, great numbers around the World, especially in the middle east and especially at the hands of Muslims explicitly for their Faith in the Lord Jesus Christ. Why enter into the numbers game, Mr Chivers? I mean, seriously, why? In order to be truthful? To ascertain historical accuracy? To ensure that everyone 'calms down' about the whole matter?

Perhaps you need to sit down and have a pint with Bishop Richard Williamson. You and he would get on like a house on fire. Hitler's own books and Hitler's own speeches make it pretty plain that, whatever the number of Jews killed in the end, he well and truly had it in for the Jews. Is Mr Chivers suggesting that Christians are exploiting the situation for men, women and children of this religion around the globe or that Christians are exaggerating the numbers being killed to further their own interests?

Shame on you, Mr Chivers. If you tried this with the Jewish Holocaust you'd be run out of town! Whatever the number of Christian martyrs around the World suffering for their Faith and dying for their Faith, surely the point is that an unholy persecution of Christians is indeed taking place, for after all, every human life is precious - even - yes even to atheists like you - or so we would have hoped!

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