Thursday, March 26, 2009

Daytime Condom Ads

Coming to a TV screen near you soon...

Narrator: "You've heard the story about Jack and Jill. Well, here's a new one. Look, here is Jack and Jill now. What have you children been up to? Fetching a pail of water again?"

Jack and Jill: "No, we've been having sex."

Narrator: "Having sex? Oh how wonderful. Sex is fun isn't it?"

Jack and Jill: "Yes, its awfully fun!"

Narrator: "But with it comes responsibilities. Look, children, when you have sex use one of these."

(Narrator showers children with condoms)

Jack and Jill: "Oh what are these?"

Narrator: "These are condoms, children. Use them when you have sex so you don't get any diseases and don't fall pregnant, because, really, you are too young to fall pregnant. You're just children and children having children is just silly isn't it?"

Jack: "Yes! These condoms are wonderful. Look, Jill they come in different colours and flavours. Which one shall we use this time?"

Jill: "Oh let's use the toffee one."

Jack: "Okay!"

Jack and Jill: "Thanks Mister! We'll always use condoms when we have sex now."

Narrator: "Good children, now run along and start having sex."

Jack and Jill: "Yippee!"

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