Wednesday, March 18, 2009

How to Put Out a Fire: Pour More Petrol Onto It

The Holy Father has come in for criticism for suggesting that condoms are not the solution to fighting the spread of HIV and AIDS in Africa, implying that they may in fact 'aggravate' the problem. How shocking! Pope disagrees with the use of condoms! What do people expect the Holy Father to say? "A condom a day keeps the doctor away?"

Dishing out condoms to people either in Africa or the West is like giving plasters to haemophiliacs. It isn't a cure, or a solution, and doesn't get to the heart of the matter. The heart of the matter is that people are addicted to sex. Lust is like a fire that rages and dishing out condoms to people is like pouring petrol onto the blaze.

It doesn't matter if we're discussing the spiralling numbers of teen pregnancies or the spread of HIV or promiscuity in general. Distributing condoms to people carries the message, "Sexual promiscuity is just fine. Carry on what you are doing, just be careful." If you give a condom to a 13 year old, you are telling him or her that they are ready to have a sexual encounter. If you give a condom to a man in Africa or the West, he will most likely use it as soon as he possibly can.

So, a little personal honesty.

Have I had sex outside of marriage? Yes.
Have I used condoms? Yes.
Would I have reconsidered committing mortal sin if condoms were unavailable? Yes.
Did easy accessibility to condoms encourage me to have promiscuous sex? Yes.
If I had fully exposed myself to the possibility of contracting AIDS/HIV or impregnating someone I really didn't know that well and to whom I was not ready to commit the rest of my life to, would I have continued? Unlikely. I understand we all get caught in the heat of the moment, but I certainly would have thought twice.

Sexual liberation is not liberating but enslaving. Addiction to sex is not helped or solved by the promotion of more value free sex. The Government still think giving condoms to teenagers is a fantastic idea and the only way in which to combat teen prenancies, high abortion rates and the like. What a surprise! It isn't working!

Some people think the invention of contraception was actually liberating for women. What a joke! Contraception actually means that men can put it about more and get their end away without having to worry about actually lovingly devoting themselves to the person they are 'making love to'. The idea that contraception has benefitted women is a total con! It demeans the sexual act and commodifies sex and, in fact, individuals. This is the only age in which nearly everyone pays for sex. It used to be free you know. It is no wonder we in the West are so crap at relationships, when value free sex is abundant, the Sanctity of Marriage, which offers stability and security to human relationships, is thrown out of the window, and large swathes of society are frightened of commitment having had their hearts broken repeatedly by undevoted, selfish lovers who were really only interested in one thing.

Yes, sexual lust is like a fire that doesn't go out. The World cannot stand hearing that the only waters that quench the flames are the waters of Baptism, repentance, prayer and the Holy Teaching and Sacraments of the Church. I'm afraid that the distribution of condoms is merely pouring petrol onto the flames.

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