Sunday, March 29, 2009

RIP Maurice Jarre

Just when you think things can't get any more miserable, this happens:

French composer Maurice Jarre, best known for his music for Hollywood films, has died in Los Angeles at 84, after suffering from cancer.

Jarre, father of the composer Jean-Michel Jarre, rose to prominence relatively late in life.

His breakthrough came in 1962 when he wrote the score for Lawrence of Arabia, for which he was awarded an Oscar.

He won two further Oscars for Doctor Zhivago and A Passage to India, and composed music for more than 150 films.

His scores enhanced the work of some of the film industry's greatest directors - among others David Lean, Alfred Hitchcock, John Huston and Luchino Visconti.

He also wrote symphonic music for theatre, ballet and television, including the 1970s mini-series Jesus of Nazarath.

Jarre, who moved to the US in the 1960s, was married four times and is the father of Jean-Michel Jarre, a pioneer of electronic music.

One of his final public appearances was at the Berlin International Film Festival in February, where he received a lifetime achievement award.

At the time, festival director Dieter Kosslick paid tribute to Jarre saying: "Film composers often are in the shadows of great directors and acting stars.

"It's different with Maurice Jarre - the music of Doctor Zhivago, like much of his work, is world-famous and remains unforgettable in cinema history."

I don't know what I can say. A year ago I was devastated when Paul Scofield and Charlton Heston passed away, and now one of the greatest lights of my life dies at a time when I need all the help I can get just to get through the day.

I don't know how many times I've sat down and listened to his music, particularly Doctor Zhivago, and been transported to another realm, another plane entirely. Music that sweeps you off your feet, that makes an impression, that moves you and transports you to another time nad place, rescues you from despair and loneliness, makes you weep tears of sad and joy, is invaluable, and Jarre's work has done all that and more. Next to Ennio Morricone, he's my favorite film composer. He is a legend, and deserves to always be remembered.

RIP Monsieur Jarre, the world is already a lesser place without you. Lara's Theme is playing in my heart.

Doctor Zhivago
Lawrence of Arabia
The Professionals

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