Monday, October 19, 2009

At Some Point I Have to Ask the Question...

What went wrong with me?

I have very generous parents, you know. My summer of car dwelling/friend's floors dwelling/parent's house dwelling is about to come to an end and I am about to move into a newly built 'eco' studio flat thanks to the generosity of mum and dad. I'm going to invite friends from Church and beyond round on Saturday/Sunday to come over and have some food and a few bevvies. There's a 'Lord Bless this House' picture left over from the Car Boot Sale which I'll ask Fr Ray to bless along with the flat.

I'll have a key to the next block and I'll be able to use the lift to get to the top of the block of the flats and look out over Brighton. You can see the sea and everything, most of Brighton! The flat's got everything. A bed is on the way, it's got a fridge freezer, oven, grill, cupboards, washing machine and even a dishwasher. The cistern above the toilet is flat, so I can finally have the toilet fish tank I always wanted. I've got a kettle and a toaster and I've got a second hand sofa and table and chairs on the way. I'm not sure about getting a TV because its another bill and TV is mostly rubbish apart from the odd documentary. Still, if I can get a job....who knows?

From now on I have to be responsible...promise! If only I had that Protestant work ethic thing! I'm going to start applying for jobs left right and centre. I hear Poundland are looking for staff for Christmas. I've done nothing to deserve what I've been given. I hope I can get a job so that I can afford to stay there.

I don't usually do many 'me' posts, but I still think its quite crappy of me that at the age of 32 I still don't have a career or even a job save for a history of temping. Anyway, say a prayer for me that I don't **** this opportunity up! Otherwise my fate is pictured above! I mean, what on earth would I do if I ever wanted to get married or something and have kids? As it stands now, me and my fantasy family would be right shafted. Wretched sinners like me never think of such things until its too...Well...late is better than never I suppose.

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