Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Swine Flu Vaccine Concerns

A doctor and vaccine expert tells Fox News that he will not give his kids the H1N1 shots because they are contaminated with deadly levels of Mercury.

The same Fox News which the Obama administration are apparently spending a lot of hours condemning in the media for 'bias' aired the views of this doctor who claims that the vaccine has 20,000 times the amount of mercury recognised as safe in water.

It appears that just as with the Obama administration's general, rather liberal-dictatorship agenda the administration doesn't like Fox reporting anything but the Government line whether it be the Healthcare Bill or the H1N1 outbreak or gay marriage, abortion or anything that offends it. Scary. Personally, it was obvious to me from the outset that the Obama team would not like pluralism in the media because their goal is so obviously a 'cultural revolution'. Heck! They've even got little children singing songs to Obama in schools. God preserve us!

Also, is it just me, but don't but the symptoms of 'swine flu' presented by the scientific community bear a striking resemblance to symptoms of the annual flu or even a cold? You know me. I'd be the last person to shout "Conspiracy!", but it is deeply disconcerting that the 'Science Czar' John Holdren is also into depopulation ideas, sterlisation and enforced abortion. Are Americans, and indeed the British and Europeans going to trust these guys with a vaccine?

The BBC reports
that, 'Seriously ill hospital patients and the health staff caring for them will be the first of 14m people in the "priority group" to be given the jab.' Who's signing up for this first? The Liverpool Care Pathway?! The same report says that pregnant women are next in line. Err...High levels of mercury being given to pregnant women in a vaccine even when they are not even experiencing symptoms of the 'swine flu'? I'm sorry, that doesn't sound like a great idea, but hey, who am I, who knows so little about medicine to express concern?! Let's get this straight. The first targets of the vaccination with huge question marks over its side effects are pregnant women, and by default, the unborn and the elderly already sick? At a time when Governments are re-thinking whether the elderly and the unborn are worth protecting this news should perhaps have Catholic and, yes everybody's alarm bells ringing.

As an aside I thought I'd mention public concerns about GM food crops. Loads of people interviewed on TV last night were saying that they were concerned that the scientists were 'messing with nature'. Hmm...So, the public have concerns that scientists are 'messing with nature' with GM crops, but scientists aren't 'messing with nature' when they inject human embryos with animal DNA?

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