Friday, April 8, 2011

So just how responsive have the English and Welsh Bishops been with regards to Sunday EF Mass provision?

Do have any idea? -  Do you think 20% of parishes in a Diocese offer an EF Mass on a Sunday? Less, maybe? - 15%? - down a bit further possibly? Can this be right?..............

..............after all the Holy Father has done to stipulate how important it is that the Bishops respond to his steer on this vital issue....I can state that, out of 2889 parishes (or thereabouts) only 2.87% on average, offer a Sunday EF Mass.

                                                    2.8% !

And that's not every are the specifics re my piece of research:-

1. I only included parishes that offer a regular Sunday EF Mass whether it is every Sunday or only one during a given month.

2. I included every parish and most Mass Centres but, at times these were difficult to identify so there may be the odd discrepancy but nothing too large as far as I am aware.

3. Obtaining the fairly simple information as to how many parish churches exist within a Diocese proved surprisingly hard to achieve. Some Bishops offer an almost indecipherable jigsaw of shapes which represent parish boundaries or, worse, deaneries, others provide a conventional alphabetical draw down listing and yet others provide a mongrel version which only adds to confusion. I have done the best in the time available.
One Diocese (Portsmouth) had an insoluble problem withits website so, in the end I did an estimated calculation as to number of parishes.

4. I did not include parishes that only offered the Mass on special feasts such as Easter as these appeared to be 'one offs'.

If you would like to see how your Diocese fared, here is the breakdown....



Westminster        216             4                        1.9%

A/del & Br'ton      153             4                        2.6%
Birmingham         271             3                        1.1%

Brentwood           131             2                        1.5%

Cardiff                 81             2                         2.5%

Clifton                54              7                         12.8%

East Anglia        110              3                           2.7%

Hallam               79               0                              0%

H'ham & N'cstle 199              4                            2.0%

Lancaster          115              5                            4.4%
Leeds               127              4                            3.2%

Liverpool          204              4                            2.0%

Menevia            69               3                            4.3%

Mi'ddsborough   93               2                            2.2%

Northampton   107               2                             1.9%

Nottingham     158               5                             3.3%

Pymouth         116               5                             4.3%

P'smouth (est) 144               3                              2.1%

Salford           100               1                              1.0%

Shrewsbury     115               5                              4.4%

Southwark      181                9                              5.0%

Wrexham        66                 0                                 0%

Not an outstandingly good fact it is ****** poor (I am not swearing in Lent).

I think the Bishops are (as they say) "having a laugh", and,
 it's at our expense!

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