Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Yellowstone: Mysterious, Beautiful and Potentially Cataclysmic

Fr Z, with exemplary apostolic zeal for souls, urges his readers to prioritise the things that keep them awake at night, suggesting people still concerned about 'global warming' downgrade climate change and upgrade Yellowstone National Park in the alarmism stakes.

I remember watching Supervolcano, a BBC programme that dramatised events unfolding after a future eruption of Yellowstone, the huge magma chamber slumbering beneath one of the World's most outstanding areas of natural beauty. It was very frightening, much like that one about a 'megatsunami' that could be caused by a chunk of La Palma falling into the ocean and wiping out the East coast of the US. None of us knows the day or the hour when we are called to give an account of our lives, when the state of our souls will be made plain before God. If there is anything to learn from the horror of Japan, let it be that. If there is anything to be gained from watching any dramatisations of potential future horrors, let it be that.

On the other hand, if you just want a glimpse of the sheer beauty of Yellowstone and its animal inhabitants, watch the excellent hour long BBC documentary entitled, quite simply, Yellowstone. The series captures the seasons of Yellowstone National Park and the first episode covers the park's gruelling winter.

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