Monday, August 1, 2011

Bizarre Anti-Semitic Emails...

Moses: "I'm leading you out of Egypt to a land of milk and honey."

Israelite #1: "I hope there are no Jews there."

Israelite #2: "Wait! I'm dairy intolerant!"

I've had someone sending me emails with various quotes attributed to Popes down the ages slagging off the Jews.

I've not really known quite how to respond to him as he clearly has the bit between his teeth and doesn't want to let go of his virulent anti-semitism. I don't think I'd put up here anything of what he's sent me, but a great deal of it sounds like something one might have found pinned up in Nazi Germany shop doorways.

Does he really think Moses, Elijah, St Peter, Our Blessed Lord and Our Blessed Lady, Our Lady's parents St Joseph and all the Apostles are sitting up there going, "I hate Jews," "Yeah, I can't stand Jews", "Accursed Jews." I sent him an extract in an email from 'Jesus of Nazareth II' about Christ's Blood being the blood that is not poured out against, but for all. He then goes onto slag off our beloved Holy Father for his clemency and charity.  Presumably he is angered against him for not issuing decrees against the Jews and calling them all the names under the sun. I think he (or she, but I expect he) wants His Holiness to banish the Jews to the Isle of Wight or something, perhaps something worse. Bizarre and more than a little frightening...

Even if someone could prove to us that there was a worldwide conspiracy and that the whole World's financial and political system were run by an international network of scheming Jews, we should still answer that Our Lord said that His Kingdom 'is not of this World'. Of what do we have to be jealous and of whom? Let's face it, some Catholics, of that more traditional bent have to hate some group of people. I've pretty much made up my mind that its all the Freemasons fault, others spend their time hating the Jews, others the gays, others the Muslims. I think its safer to hate the Freemasons, personally, because if ever there were a great persecution of the Freemasons and they were driven out of Brighton nobody would know where to find them. Wicked, accursed Freemasons with their funny handshakes and their local government contract deals! Give us back our Council!  Stop ruining our high streets with your national chains!

Has anyone got the release date for 'Jesus of Nazareth III: The Second Coming' yet?

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