Saturday, August 6, 2011

If You Don't Like Conspiracy Theories, Look Away Now...

St Moritz, Switzerland: Site of the 2011 Bilderberg meeting
Any long time reader of this blog will know that I cannot resist a good conspiracy theory, especially if it holds sufficient water not to be totally ridiculous, so if they are not your cup of tea, look away now.

Dominic Sandbrook writes a very good piece in the Mail today about 'Capitalism in Crisis', likening the situation to 1931. He appears, throughout what is a eerily balanced article about the current situation, to believe that capitalism can and must be 'redeemed'. The truth, of course, is that capitalism cannot be redeemed. Only souls can be redeemed.

Many people hold the view that the international markets are like an ocean that can just boil at any moment and that there is nobody, not a soul, in control of it. The financial markets are, in that view, a wild dragon that cyclically roars and breathes fire on the populations of the World. But is it really true and to what 'degree'?

Cast your minds back just a few months and in St Moritz, Switzerland, leading international bankers, politicians, industry chiefs and presumably more than one or two media owners met at the Bilderberg club. A question or two has to be asked of this secretive club for the unbelievably wealthy and influential. If it is really true that the financial markets are a law unto themselves, then why bother meeting to 'plan' for the year ahead? What's the point if there's nothing you can do about it? Secondly, if indeed, a 'plan' is afoot, then would it not be awfully kind for the elites who meet at this gathering to publish those plans especially if those plans are innocuous, instead of meeting behind gigantic walls and allowing no reporters in?

If you believe what you read in the papers, then whole countries and perhaps continents are about to be economically raped by the banking system that was bailed out by those countries.  Peter Oborne writes today about the lack of political leadership emerging from the economic crisis. He's right, of course, but isn't it just so strange that so many of those leaders should be on holiday when the crisis hits!? What perfect timing! How reassuring it is that the leaders are to have a serious dialogue about the situation...on the phone! Apparently...

'An emergency telephone conference among the finance ministers of the G7 (membership: United States, Japan, Britain, Germany, France, Italy and Canada) has been convened.'

Well, that's encouraging...

David Cameron: "Hi Barack, Dave here. You got any idea what we should do?"
Barack Obama: "Hi, Dave! Don't know, mate! Talk about a debt ceiling and now the plastering's falling off! I really enjoyed flipping burgers with you that day. We should do it again some time."
Angela Merkel: "Is that Dave?! Dave?! How is your wife? Is it sunny there? Hello?! I hear the markets are going into meltdown. Isn't that terrible? Any ideas? One of my delegates talked to George Osborne about the financial situation at St Moritz and do you know what? He said a crisis like this might hit in late Summer! What a coincidence!"
Nikolas Sarkosy: "No, it's not Dave, its Nikolas! Crossed wires, I think Angie! Darn this switchboard! How are the dogs? Carla, dear! Carla! Will you stop playing that infernal guitar! I'm trying to have a very important discussion here! The Eurozone is in crisis and we need to do something about it! Hello! Hello! Who put me through to room service? No, Eurozone is not a pornography channel! How dare you insinuate...!"

It is absurd. There is no money left to solve this crisis. No, the only way. The only way, our elected leaders will be able to respond to this financial chaos is if a plan has been made and fortunately, or rather, unfortunately, it most likely has been made. Most, if not all, of the relatively few reporters on the Bilderberg group maintain that the aim of the financial instability is to bring Europe and America to its knees, not just figuratively, but literally, so that when Europe and America is on its knees, the end game of the real plan can be put into action. The end game of the real plan, according to those who have been covering the secretive meetings, is one world currency, ran by one international bank, which answers, or indeed doesn't answer, to one international government, with, we can presume, one international leader, perhaps under an international religion. That will take some time to build(erberg) of course, but according to those who have been reporting on this secretive group, they, like the great Fr Z's analysis of the glorious restoration of the Church, are "brick by brick" adherents of an altogether different variety.

Quite how China and Russia are to be brought into this scheme of things is unknown,, its impossible...but, to those who have been covering the progress of the Bilderberg group, China is the model for what has been described as the new world order. Note, dear readers, that China is not just an out and out 'communist' country. It is also a place of vast production, huge corporations, immense armed might, servitude, slavery, atheistic dominance, of a now successful trading and international market pedigree and it just so happens to have the USA financially by the balls. A series of US Presidents have been selling the country down the river, bringing it finally to the brink of ruin. China owns stacks of the debt. It is they, horrifyingly, who are the US's biggest creditors and if they are to help the US, they are going to want something big in return. What will it be?

Whatever happens, it looks rather like within years, or perhaps even months, we are going to be witness to things that the vast majority of us have never witnessed before. The elites will wait, wait and wait, until Europe and America is on its knees and then 'salvation' and perhaps even a 'saviour' will come, but if he should or it should, that man, or that salvation will, most sorrowfully, not be the Lord Jesus Christ. We could very well be about to walk into not the dark ages, but maybe one of the darkest ages of all. I hope I'm wrong (though a conspiracy theorist always hopes he is right, of course), but the question has to be asked; if these Beelzeberg meetings are so innocuous, then how come Peter Mandelson always attends them? I rest my case. Peter Mandelson wouldn't dare show his face at a meeting where a scheming, satanic plan was not being orchestrated.

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