Tuesday, September 6, 2011

I really didn't want to comment on Dale Farm......

.........I know that many of you are sympathetic to the community there and, as I appear to be upsetting folk left right and centre, I thought I would give it a rest.
But I can't! I'm involved - not with Dale Farm but with an embryonic form of Dale Farm. You see, my garden (wasteland some would say) backs onto God's good Pembrokeshire countryside. We have a hedge boundary and then a beautiful 10 acre field - so far so good.

Sadly, gypsies lack the romance
factor these days
But since April a gypsy family (we called them Diddicoys years ago in Middlesex) has moved onto the land and parked their caravan against the hedge. They have brought with them some 5 or 6 vans and cars in various stages of decay. They have dug a sewage drain from their van to the local open ditch/stream which used to be a wildlife haven - now it's a haven for flies. In addition, there are unlawful activities taking place at night which I cannot go into here but the local flying squad don't want to know; you see travellers illegally camped and law-breaking activities are no go areas for our boys and girls in blue - another bit of political correctness!

I do not want these people there. It is not my land but I can see their vans and their litter and hear their banging, hammering and drilling all day long as they try to earn a crust (honest or dishonest) by doing something or other with lumps of metal.
Am I being uncharitable? Where would these poor souls go if they were moved on?
Well, maybe to the county travellers site that has all the amenities required.

I've tried the Christian approach, the friendly "Hi I'm your neighbour" tack but all I get in return is a glowering scowl and no words.
What happens next? Maybe a wagon train of Dale Farm evacuee mates will show up and fill up the 10 acres. If that happened, part of the countryside would be destroyed. When the time came for us to sell up we probably would not be able to do so. I know this is nimbyism pure and simple but, dear friends, I ask you - "Would you like this going on at the end of your garden?"

And, anyway, if these people are so keen to use the word 'travellers' rather than the more honest 'tinkers' or 'gypsies' why don't they bloody well travel? Why do they want to squat on some other person's plot of land.
Isn't that what we call theft? Is theft justified if you are homeless?
I don't think so.

Now some Catholic Bishops have issued a sympathetic statement regarding the Dale Farm evictions; that is fine and good but there must also be a realistic appraisal of the rights and wrongs of the matter. It is no use bringing in the 'poor, homeless people good - moderately financially stable people bad' argument. There are moral codes here for all parties, church authorities, local government, travellers and established council tax homeowners.

I hope that Dale Farm gets sorted out for the benefit, first of all, of the legal homeowners whose properties border the encampment - and then, for the travellers, that they may be moved to a place where they will thrive, even if it is at the expense of the tax payer.

And I also hope that 'my' travelling family move on pdq - sorry but that's my honest (and not unchristian wish).

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