Wednesday, May 30, 2012

"Just a Minute" the radio panel show that used to be for all the family

Driving back from the East of England on Monday evening I listened to Radio Four's "Just a Minute" show, hosted by Nicholas Parsons.
For those unfamiliar with the programme, the panel of four guests are given a topic to speak about for one minute without deviation, hesitation or digression. So far so good. It is normally quite entertaining (a lecture on the development of scart plugs would be entertaining if you were driving back from Peterborough) and it normally carries a few slightly risque asides that can be amusing.

But Monday night's panel included one, Julian Clary, a man who professes to be a homosexual and appears on many shows dressed up as a woman (it is about here that I begin to get confused by the whole LGBT thing).

Real men don't discuss such they?
OK.........not my cup of Lapsang but I am, as the few readers of this blog know, a very mild and even tempered chap......hmm....

Sadly, Clary went several steps beyond the acceptable.
He began by describing either a real or an imaginary night out with a male friend.
 I will leave it there, please believe me it was not the sort of stuff you would wish for your mother to hear, or your children for that matter and I am not so sure I would wish for the family dog to hear it.

I am not going to quote what he went on to say (you can listen to it online I believe) but he did go on to speak in salacious and obscene double entendres, referring to fairly fundamental parts of the human anatomy.

Not only was this not nice, it was dirty and shabby.

I cannot imagine a heterosexual person speaking in such a fashion; if they did they would probably not be invited back.
Homosexuals do seem to delight in 'kiss and tell' tales and they do love the intimate detail. Whether it is an innate desire to shock or a genuine perverted sense of what is right I do not know.
But I have experienced it many, many times in my working life and, the sad thing is that it is all so unnecessary.

So, from now on, "Just a Minute" will be known as the show that DOES allow deviation, perversion and pure, unadulterated filth.

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