Friday, May 25, 2012

What is this anti Jewish Catholic thing?

I don’t understand it. I’ve never understood it.
If there are Catholics out there who hate the Jews or discriminate against them in any way, then they are in big trouble, or, at least, their souls are.

To inflict racial, sectarian (or homosexual) hatred against your fellow man is to be in breach of the fifth commandment and that means, to be in a state of mortal sin.

Surely no Catholic would wish to enter into such a state?

A Jew died to save the world - so how can we "hate" them?

Aah….of course, I was forgetting that certain Bishop. Now I am the last person to be an apologist on his behalf but….has he actually expressed hatred?
Certainly he has cast doubts over the existence of  the gas chambers but does that constitute racial hatred or sectarianism? I doubt it.

It may show an irrational mind and it may be a screen for something worse but, on its own it hardly merits coverage.

We used to sing our Lent and Easter hymns quite happily once, chirruping away about  “…while Jews deride..”and in our liturgy we spoke of "perfidious Jews". Well, it was a perfidious act was it not?

Is that racial hatred?

I always thought that we were just recognising that it was the Jews that gave Our Lord up for Pilate’s judgement.
The Jews schemed, pushed and started proceedings and the Romans concluded the affair. 

Or, have I got it wrong?

When we condemn Mao Tse Tung or Stalin for the various genocidal    purges that they carried out are we being racist? Or just objective and honest?

If we then lay the blame for the death of Christ largely on the Jews are we not again being honest and objective.

There is one blogger who believes that I am a racist because I have expressed a dislike of the practice or recruiting priests from Africa and India (in particular) to come and work in parishes in England and Wales, permanently, that is.

I think that is wrong. For a start their own countries, who have funded their training, desperately need them.
I also believe that they can offer a limited amount to the British parishes they are appointed to. And I have good proof of that.

I can also recall an unholy row a few years ago because the Health Service and some schools were “poaching” doctors, nurses and teachers from third world countries, giving them a brief bit of updating training and then using them to plug the gaps in health and education.

That was wrong because it deprived the developing world of badly needed highly skilled people.

So, I dislike the practice, not the individuals; I dislike the homosexual system, not the individuals.

I am not too keen on Jews either; again, not the individuals or the race.
 It is more an issue of behaviour, characteristics, if you will. I certainly would not work for a Jewish company but I don’t think that means that I am anti-semitic in any way.

There are several nationalities or faiths that I would not wish to find myself beholden to.

To me that is no different from stating that you would not wish to work for X company because you dislike their method of operation. Racism does not enter into it. Preference is not the same as hatred.  
Maybe it would be better put to state that I prefer not to mix commercially with certain races. 
I am happy to have them as my friends although, in truth, I do not seek them out.

I veer towards Catholic friends, with a few notable exceptions. Life is easier and more relaxed if, forgive me, you are all singing off the same plainchant score.

And it does appear to be anathema for anyone to "hate" Jews when we owe our very existence to one.

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