Wednesday, May 2, 2012

The man from Del Monte may say "Yes"......

.....but the Priest's Housekeeper says "No!"

I phoned the presbytery of a certain parish to determine the day and time of the next EF Mass.

The Priest's Housekeeper said that she would consult the diary.

"Yes" she said; "it is definitely at 11am"

"On a weekday or on a  Sunday?" I asked.

PH: "Oh you can't have it on a Sunday"

Me: "We certainly could"

PH: "No you can't, 'they' wouldn't like it

Me: Who's 'they'?

PH: The people who come to Mass on a Sunday, they wouldn't like it

Me: "You mean they wouldn't like an Extraordinary Mass?

PH: "Yes, they just wouldn't like it

Me: (Breathing deeply and thin red mist rising) "But the Holy Father likes it"

PH: "But they just wouldn't..." blah, blah

So, it seems as if the Parish Priest cannot say "Yes"....the people of the parish can say "No" and the Priest's Housekeeper has assumed the role of bishop.

Where's the man from Del Monte when you need him?

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