Saturday, August 18, 2012

Blessed Titus Brandsma and his life

This is a video made of a presentation given on Bl Titus Brandsma by the Prior Provincial of the British Province of Carmelites, Fr Wilfred McGreal, O. Carm.

As a presentation it is deeply flawed (in my view) but see what you make of it (my critical points are listed below) - I'm afraid I opted out after four minutes.

Here is my list of 'don't do' things when presenting:-

1. Wear a tie, it looks sloppy if you don't and, if you are a priest wear a collar - essential
2. Never sit, stand when you are introduced and stand to make your presentation
3. Look your audience in the eye - difficult if you are seated with them
4. If your presentation is being filmed avoid hand movements in front of the face
5. Don't make your audience uncomfortable by having to twist around to face you - stand in front of them

Oh, and for a number 6 - never wear socks with sandals

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