Tuesday, August 21, 2012

"What will you do with my heart O Welsh Assembly?"

Anyone who has a fascination for dull, tedious and boring occupations (such as watching paint dry or waiting for a stone to move) may also be interested in observing the Welsh Assembly Government in action (if that is the right word) on their televised proceedings.

It is as though all those charged with the welfare and education of us poor sinners in Wales, are being drip fed on Mogadon and Prozac.

Proceedings are slow and cumbersome and they all address each other by Christian  first name and that just leads to an unchallenging and dull environment and outcomes.

But, someone must have given them a caffeine boost because they (the Assembly Members - AMs) are now
determined to lay claim to our fundamental organs, heart, liver, lungs, kidneys and are proposing to make it legitimate for the state to grab whichever bit of us they fancy after our death (hopefully, after our death, that is).

They have no right to do this and so, if you are a Welsh man or woman or, like me a poor Sais living in Wales, you might care to protest at such a Maoist policy.

If so, please read this and make your views felt by registering a protest - thank you SPUC and thank you Jeff P for bringing it to my notice.

Please click HERE

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